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Paul “12 Coups de midi” thought he was off the air, he made a huge blunder

Paul: “Les 12 coups de midi”, a big hiccup from the first broadcast. This Tuesday, May 12, viewers of the “12 noon shots” could finally find their favorite game from the front 1:00 p.m. after several weeks of disappearance of the screens. And the least we can say is that the first show has already had a big problem. After the controversy created by the special exemption of the Master of noon, Éric and his presence in the studio 17 of TF1, it’s Paul’s former champion’s turn to cause a lot of discomfort when the show airs.

The shooting had however very well start, new candidates recruited less than 100 km from Paris, health and safety conditions at their maximum, and a Jean-Luc Reichmann, at the top of its form. Obviously very happy to go back to work, the host had everything in place to make it a great TV moment.

As if to spice up the recovery a bit and mark the occasion, the production invited Paul, the former champion, to take part in the program from his home via videoconference. An intervention as a winkeye, but without actually participating in the game and that’s where the disaster happens.

The leader asks a question to a candidate: ” What youtubeur had as first nickname “Mister Dreams “? “. Before the challenger can speak to give her answer, a voice bursts in the studio and we hear shouting “Cyprien, Cyprien”.

If the host initially believed that the answer had been given by one of the eliminated candidates, after reflection, Jean-luc Reichmann must have recognized his error. But then who had given the answer out loud? And that voice apparently did not come from the people on the set, but from the sound return.

Comfortably installed at home and awaiting his intervention, it was Paul who, believing himself alone in his sofa, had given the answer, as if he were watching the game quietly on television. Microphone already ready and connected for its future passage, the former champion did not realize that he was live in the “12 noon shots”.

Sound engineer error or Paul’s guilty oversight, the evil was made and threw a cold on the tray. The animator reacted very quickly, and took things in hand. The answer was obviously not validated and the round canceled.

After the story of Eric’s pass, the problems of managing security measures, this hiccup could have been one too many.

If we do not yet know the official audiences achieved by the return of the game, we can already bet that it will once again have achieved a big score. On average, more than 6,000,000 fans have flocked to the TF1 program every day of the week for almost 10 years, always with the success that we know.

After the controversies, the hiccups, the little incidents, the program should set off again to allow Eric, the champion to break all records. Paul, the former candidate, did not hesitate to give him some encouragement: “I hope it will not fail where I failed.”

Eric still undefeated to date, hopes to beat the record, still held by Christian Quesada in number of consecutive wins, and even if he is not always unanimously accepted, with some finding him somewhat cheerful and a bit haughty, the champion commands respect through his general culture and his sense of play. It is a safe bet that if someone is able to explode all the records, it is the candidate from Brittany.

Currently obliged to stay in Paris near the filming location, the production has made available accommodation close to the studios to be able to keep its champion on hand. And we understand them, since the presence of the “Master of noon”, it is a little bit of the business concept If some are attached to the candidate and hope to see him triumph, others wait and hope to see him fail miserably and obviously rejoice.

Evidence if he the viewers had to be attached to the candidates, it was the passages of former candidates like Paul who returned to the set during special shows. Each time, these sequences with the guest-stars break audience records.
A true goose that lays the golden eggs for the first French television channel, “Les 12 coups de midi” and its favorite presenter have become over the years a real financial windfall.

The price of advertising spots before, during and after, in fact bring in tens of millions of euros every years, and although maintaining the preferred animator French at a stroke, Jean-luc Reichmann receiving a salary of 125,000 euros monthly, the expense seems paltry compared to the profits earned.

Yes, Jean-Luc Reichmann East bankable and that TF1 understood this well by offering to further expand its activities this time in a fiction. The host also became an actor in the series which cardboard, Leo Matteï, “Juvenile Brigade“. Police series created by Michel Alexandre, Yvan Gal and the couple Nathalie Lecoultre / Jean-Luc Reichmann, the series has been broadcast now since 2013 with the success it is known for.

With these results, it is strong at to bet that the presenter and actor still have good years ahead of him, and his collaboration with the chain can be envisaged in the long term. With the return of the “12 midday shots” on the air, Jean-Luc Reichmann is certain to further increase its popularity with the general public.

Small implementation problems leg The last few hours should therefore have no impact on the course of events, and the show is very unlikely to be scheduled for the foreseeable future. Even if we know that in television matters, things can go very quickly, we can hardly imagine the “12 noon shots” stopping overnight. With already more than 3,500 games directed by the presenter, the program is one of the oldest in the chain and does not seem to be aging.

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