/ world today news/ Dear Mother, even during the second of the holiest holidays for Bulgarians after May 24 – of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, namely the Feast of Saint Kliment Ohridski, ordained according to the Orthodox principle of Caesaro-papism personally by Simeon I the Great as the First Archbishop of the Bulgarian language right in Ohrid, some patriots and supposedly patriots continue to put pressure on the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to recognize… motherhood towards the “Macedonian Church”, that is, the Ohrid Archdiocese?!…
The so-called “Archbishopric of Ohrid”, my dear d..bili – no, id..oti, sir, which none other than Basil II the Bulgarian killer recognized with his three letters from 1019 to 1025 as a Bulgarian Archdiocese, is not Macedonian, namely Bulgarian, fools! Fools or fools from the VMRO and the various so-called “patriots” there, who hardly put an ultimatum to the Holy Synod that it should perform such a “fraternal gesture” – to recognize the maternity of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in relation to the Ohrid Archdiocese, which was… Macedonian?!… Can you imagine what a terrible national betrayal, in a row for these few months anyway, we are talking about?! Did His Holiness of Bankia sign some kind of treaty, by which the work of the Communist Comintern was finally ended, since in this way we finally recognized the “Macedonian nation” and the “Macedonian language”, and now they want the Holy Synod to recognize the “Macedonian Church” as well? ! And that’s only because the American masters of today’s “political elite” want this, so that they can also bring Macedonia into NATO in view of the eventual snare against Russia?! The Yanks, do you understand, dear ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades and comrades, the Yanks, instead of imposing their asses across the ocean, are once again introducing dividing lines and opposition in the various parts of the Orthodox Civilization and of our Cyrillic Births?!…
I am sure that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will inspire the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church not to do such a stupid thing that the corrupt Bulgarian rulers and a series of fictional patriots want from it! I am sure, because three centuries after the loss of Bulgarian statehood within the Ottoman Empire, the name of no representative of the “Bulgarian political elite” is mentioned in folk art, but the name of Patriarch Euthymius is always revered! I am sure that for now only the Bulgarian Orthodox Church can realize what I have been talking about for years – that Bulgaria must redefine itself as a Historical Subject of the Cyrillic Civilization and Orthodoxy!…
This is the situation, ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades!
Everything else is from the Sly, from the American, to whom today’s Bulgarian d… were – no, id… go, sir!… sold their souls.
#Patriots #d..billies #go..go #sir