A tailored suit. The merits required by the tender for the position of manager that National Heritage has awarded to the husband of Nadia Calvino track your resume. The foundations required by the public company he presides over Anne of the Grotto, Calviño’s former number two, replicates the skills that Ignacio Manrique de Lara It is attributed.
The position for which he has been appointed, coordinator of commercial and marketing strategy, is sufficiently broad so that the skills that Manrique de Lara can bring closer to the requirements he requires National Heritage, But it is striking how the call for this newly created position follows points on her resume with similar or identical phrases and concepts.
The call was posted on public service portal of the National Heritage 21 September, but, unlike the rest of the procurement procedures available during the same period, no details were provided about the candidates, the steps followed or their qualifications. There has been no further information until Monday 5 December, in full bridge of the Constitution, The resolution with which the president of the public company appoints Manrique de Lara for the position has been published.
However, the state attorneys she consulted Vozpopuli are inclined because a process which in principle does not pose illegality, even if it can be questioned from an ethical point of view that a managerial position be prepared with a gross salary of 84,000 euros a year before the general elections for the husband of the first vice president of the government in a public company headed by his former number two. But they point to made-to-measure suit as a matter to be brought on appeal.
And it is the one in which the national heritage requires “the possession of skills of command, as well as communication and negotiation skills, planning, prioritization, decision making, conflict resolution and evaluation of organizational efficiency and effectiveness”, Manrique de Lara’s CV detailing in your Linkedin profile supports ‘organisational skills’, ‘leadership’, ‘decision making’ e “conflict resolution”.
Specifically, in his CV in English, Manrique de Lara brandishes “Strong Management Skills: Delivery oriented, strong command, able to develop a vision and a strategic plan. Very effective, practical and troubleshooting person […] success and conflict minimisation implementation of intense reorganization projects”
When requested “to have had a significant track record and experience in holding positions of responsibility in the field of Commercial Management and Digital Marketing and in the development of collaboration agreements between companies for the development of projects”, Calviño’s husband supports “experience in commercial and digital marketing in leading multinationals”, with “collaboration agreements”.
In turn, the notice requires “to have managed and implemented commercial teams and organized sales structures with proven results”, and Manrique de Lara brings “commercial and sales experience” and describes himself as a “sales organizer with proven track record”.
What follows in the profile is the merit of “having experience in defining marketing strategies, in particular digital marketing, and having collaborated with agencies for the creation of campaigns, including audiovisual and brand repositioning”, in which the husband’s profile of the vice president promises experience in “marketing strategies and digital marketing and projects”, “product launches” and “repositioning of multinationals”.

And given the requirement to “have experience in defining strategies that enable the digital transformation of the business”, Calviño’s husband promises “successful implementation and definition of Strategies for digital transformation.
Those who have attended do not know how many candidates there have been or what titles have been achieved. They can challenge the trial until January 5, still in the Christmas period, before the ministry of the presidency, on whom the national heritage depends, at which point they should have access to all the details, as explained by the legal sources consulted, or before the TSJ, with a lawyer, for which the deadline is extended to February 5th.
In the litigation order It can be argued that De la Cueva or the manager, Mª Dolores Menéndez Company, a former high-ranking Calviño official signing the call, were able to violate the Law of High Positions, which requires them in its Article 3 submission to the “general interest: objectively serve the general interests; integrity: they will act with due diligence e without incurring the risk of conflicts of interest; objectivity: they will make their own decisions on the sidelines of any factor that expresses a personal, family, corporate, clientele, or any other that may conflict with this principle”, e “transparency and accountability: They will make their decisions in a transparent way and will be responsible for the consequences deriving from their adoption.
Added to this is article 11, on conflicts of interest, which establishes that “senior officials serve the general interests objectively and must prevent their personal interests from unduly influencing the exercise of their duties and responsibilities”. It is understood that a senior official is involved in a conflict of interest when making a decision “may affect their personal, economic or professional interests”.
Family members are considered personal interests, including those of your spouse, those of people with whom you are close friends i.e. those of legal persons or private subjects to whom the top position has been linked by a business or professional relationship in the two years preceding the appointment, among others.
The process can be challenged by a popular action composed of people who did not participate, but the sources cited predict little progress unless interested people promote it. Y They see a controversial appeal as difficult to succeed. They predict greater success through prosecutions, to one abuse complaint, for knowingly tailoring a tailored suit, in which senior officials were expected to testify before the judge.
The councilors ask for explanations
Within the public corporation, National Heritage trustees will require the president explanations. As you may have learned Vozpopuliin the next January tip They will ask you to justify a contract that was hidden from them and was basically closed at the previous board meeting in November.
It is an appointment of a as it reports to the Board of Directors which was concealed by the organ itself, as it proceeded this Monday The worldand this has caused particular unease and alarm in the Council.
The approval of the selection was up to De la Cueva and the process was entrusted to the CEO commission chaired by José Antonio Sánchez Quintanilla, Director of Administration and Resources of the Council and senior position of the ministry of the presidency, is formed from two senior officials of the Ministry of Culture, Mercedes Roldán Sánchez, Deputy Director General of State Museums, and Paloma Flórez Plaza, Head of Strategic, Commercial and Public Development of the Reina Sofía Museum, and a third person from the Minister of Labour, María Concepción Romero Quintana, deputy director of the mayor’s office. Leticia Ruiz Gómez, director of the Royal Collections, acted as secretary.