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Patrick Kicken: From Menno to Coco at 538

[BLOG] Since the departure of Evers, things are not going well with 538. A scenario that everyone had already predicted. Pretty soon after, radio chief Dave Minneboo left for QMusic to raise that station above 538. But no one could have predicted the soap that would develop afterwards. Menno de Boer leaves and is replaced by … Coco. Who? Coco Hermans.

I wrote about it a few months ago The Friendship Policy at NPO 3FM and NPO Radio 2. But this favoritism is not limited to the Mediapark. Today 538 announces that radio director Menno de Boer will be succeeded by .. the wife of NPO Radio 2 DJ Frank van ‘t Hof, who in turn is best friends with Talpa’s general radio boss Marc Adriani. Even when couples often come together. What a hoot! And what a nerve to just push this through, even though you know all eyes are on Talpa’s flagship. Just someone on the basis of a friend’s service and we know each other through and through there, chapeau!

Of course, what Radio 538 needs right now is someone who understands radio matters. Have a clear resume in the strategic programming of a radio station. Understands formats. Rotations. Radio laws. The radio school has finished and has experience with coaching jocks, holding air check sessions together, giving confidence and actually having to know what it is like to present a radio show. Not someone who has just come and have a look and has not even been an assistant PD.

The pawn that is now being placed there by Marc Adriani will be a nice woman, that’s not the point. She has some experience as a producer at the success station 3FM and ‘content manager’ at NPO Radio 2, a job that you know is a lot of blah blah and meetings. It is said that Talpa radio boss Adriani and NPO radio boss Jurre Bosman are not so close to each other, so it is also such a nice ‘ha ha I will take someone away from you’ construction. But has Radio 538 really helped with this?

The answer is a resounding NO. You can even hear messages circulating like “That Adriani is now going to completely demolish De Bergweg!”. “If you think it can’t get any worse, they’ll come up with something like that… .. unprecedented!”, ‘Maybe they should also ask Sharid Alles from 3FM for Radio 10’ in ‘Coco? Is that DJ Bobo’s sister? ‘ (lame). The radio world reacts with disbelief and incomprehension. You should of course have put someone on Menno de Boer’s place with real radio luggage, even more than Menno, no less. Someone who jocks look up to, from whom they can and want to learn something. Take a Wessel van Diepen. Or Edwin Evers. You need people like that to get things going again. People with a wealth of radio experience, prestige and a figurehead for your radio station.

But of course Talpa’s radio boss Marc Adriani does not want that. He wants to be able to make the beautiful decoration himself, as the boss of all 4 channels. A few bosses underneath who can do the dirty work. They will all be nice people, Marc and the love nest including baby Frank van ‘t Hof & Coco Hermans. Give them all the luck in the world. Even a job on the Bergweg. But oh oh oh what another example of this ‘one hand washes the other’, top shelf! But … there is hope. If Frank now his wife Coco as the weedeweerga all these books as a gift then maybe it will work out. Because of course it is not about the fact that a man could do that better than a woman, it is about the knowledge and experience that you bring with you. Anyway, if the man playing your boss misses that already, then of course you’re not going to hire someone among you who does, that would be dangerous. Good luck dear people! That you have a nice time with the four of you. Did you already have private, now also nice at the case! Toasts there, candles on. And chat over the radio! I give Menno de Boer a place next to QMusic boss Dave Minneboo, so that together they can crush Radio 538 even further.

Whether and when another prominent member of the Adriani clan, old 538 dj Wouter van der Goes, will take his bags at NPO Radio 2 to join the Talpa family is not yet known. And what he will do. The morning on Veronica and as Coco’s right hand man? Would be somewhat of a logical move. If Wouter was in the race for the position of radio director that Mevrouw van ‘t Hof has now been given, then it is quite a strange move. Of course someone should be given the chance to prove themselves as the boss of a radio station, but this is a case of throwing the lions: pulling the main station of the Talpa Radio Group out of the doldrums and launching the attack on QMusic. Get on it, you need solid know-how of the radio profession. And you don’t get that at an NPO meeting.

Patrick kicking

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