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Patrick Balkany’s wandering hands: a video shows inappropriate gestures

Social networks (almost) only talk about that. Saturday June 21, Patrick Balkany took advantage of the Fête de la Musique to sketch a few dance steps. On videos circulating online, the former mayor of Levallois-Perret – dressed in a pink sweater – sways to the sound of music, smiling to the applause of passersby. But the controversy quickly swelled. The reason ? After spending several months in the Health prison, imprisoned on September 13 because convicted of tax fraud, Patrick Balkany was released for health reasons. At the time, his wife said that he was “in danger of death”. Several times operated on, he had lost tens of kilos when he left prison and will soon be operated on again. After the publication of this video, other embarrassing images were added.

Also during the Music Festival, Patrick Balkany was filmed committing inappropriate gestures on a woman. So we see him in the company of his wife, Isabelle, and another woman. The images are unequivocal: Patrick Balkany, the young woman and his wife take each other by the shoulders and by the waist to dance for a few seconds, then the ex-politician lowers his hand on the buttocks of this stranger before stroking them and to put it in the back pocket of his pants. And this video still does not pass for the Net surfers. “Another shot of Balkany Levallois’ dance. With a few hands that get lost ..”, “And the wandering hand rather alert … It takes the Olympic form necessary to return the shade”, “This moment when Patrick Balkany verifies that the lady has not had his wallet stolen (insistently, by the way. .) .. What a man”, can we read in particular on Twitter.

Patrick Balkany “stunned” by the controversy

After the lively controversy caused by the video in which he sways, Patrick Balkany defended himself on the set of L’Heure des pros on CNews Monday June 22. “With some friends, we were having lunch at the bistro. At 3 p.m., the night of music started, told the husband ofIsabelle Balkany. A truck arrived with people I knew. I went to say ‘hello’ to them. “ He continued: “They put on music and my friends started dancing. I took three dance steps. I stopped because, because of my back pain, it made my gymnastics of the day“. According to him, this dance has “lasted only thirty seconds, one minute”.

Patrick Balkany explained to be “stunned to know it was the most viewed video of the weekend” when he only wanted “show that (he) may still be standing”. Released for prison health problems a few weeks ago, Patrick Balkany Told : “Everyone said, ‘He’s in great shape, he just has to go to the hole’. What I did was an intestinal infarction. When I was released from prison in the Health to take me to Cochin hospital, the professor who examined me said to me: ‘You would have stayed one more day, you left Health in a black bag’. “

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