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Patricia kicks off the year with an energetic “Hush”

However, we cannot forget that every person also has weak and emotional moments, and often we ourselves have to learn to be our support system, our strong shoulder, because we can completely rely only on ourselves,” says Patriša, real name Patricija Ksenija Cuprijanović, on the song.

The songwriters are Patricija Ksenija Cuprijanović, Nanna Prip Pedersen, Krists Indrišonoks, Rūdolfs Budze and Jūlijs Melngailis.

The music video version of the single was done by Madara Dzintara.

Singer Patriša made her debut to a wider audience in 2019, releasing four singles and a mini-album under the auspices of the publishing house “Universal Music Group”, as well as receiving the “Zelta Mikrofona 2019” award for the best debut say the year.

Patriša has been singing and performing since early childhood, and during this time she has participated in more than 60 vocal competitions, winning prizes both in Latvia and abroad, and has been performing with her own band since the age of 15. Currently, she Patrisha is one of the most prominent young singers of the Latvian pop music scene.

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