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Patriarch Neophyte refused security from the NSO, uses only a car at the age of 20

Patriarch Neophyte uses the NSO’s car, but not of his own free will.

Nikolai Hadjigenov saw an unnecessary expense and for His Holiness, the deputies and gen. Tonev did not support him

Yanaki Stoilov insisted the chief prosecutor to stay with state guards, Boyko Rashkov announced that it is now guarded by 3 services

Patriarch Neophyte did not want to be guarded by the NSO, used only transport from the service and would give it up in order to comply with the law. This was said by the Holy Synod for “24 hours” on the occasion of the words of the deputy from IBGNI Nikolay Hadjigenov, who raised the issue with the car of His Holiness when discussing changes in the law on the service.

As early as last week after the hearing of Gen. Emil Tonev in the Committee on Services it became clear that the head of the BOC has been guarded since 1964.

The NSO Act was adopted in 2015 and listed the persons who use security and transport from the service. The patriarch is not among them.

The Holy Synod explained that the late Patriarch Maxim has given up his protection from the NSO. However, according to the former head of the state guards, he was the fourth most important in the country and had to be guarded. This happened at a time when the activities of the service were not regulated by law. However, Patriarch Maxim refused security and was left with only specialized transport. In the same way, Patriarch Neophyte has only a driver from the NSO, and the car is over 20 years old and is probably the oldest in the service fleet.

According to Hadjigenov, the patriarch should not use the NSO because the church has the opportunity to provide him with transportation.

“How important is the patriarch for national security?” Will Eastern Orthodoxy cease to exist? Specialized transport or protection of a religious leader is a disgrace “, said Nikolay Hadjigenov during the discussion of the two bills for amendment of the Law on NGOs on Thursday.

During the discussion, his colleagues from other parliamentary groups disagreed with Hadjigenov’s thesis. According to Nikolay Radulov, “There are such people” are expected waves of religious terrorism, making Orthodox leaders at risk.

“Once in 20-30 years, something unforeseen happens and then we will ask ourselves questions,” said Atanas Atanasov from the DB.

“In the constitution, only the Orthodox religion is mentioned as a traditional religion in Bulgaria. I do not think that this would make it particularly difficult for NGOs, “said Desislava Atanasova of GERB. And the head of the NSO gen. Emil Tonev called on the deputies to consider the option of protecting the patriarch as a symbol of the state.

Both proposals for changes in the Law on NGOs – of IBGNI and “There is such a people”, severely restrict the protected persons and those who use transport. The bills were adopted at first reading in the committee for control of the services, but according to the deputies there will be more changes on them. If their final adoption is reached, the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev will not have security from the NSO. He will be able to use only specialized transport, and in case of proven and motivated signals for threat there will be state guards. The discussion from Thursday evening in the commission for Geshev’s security services was transferred to the legal one on Friday, where the Minister of Justice Yanaki Stoilov and the Ministry of Interior Boyko Rashkov were invited for opinions.

“The chief prosecutor, regardless of who he is, must be guarded by the NSO,” said Yanaki Stoilov.

“Does anyone question how the chief prosecutor is guarded? If anyone imagines that he is guarded only by NSOs, he is wrong. Thanks to his personal relationship with … not to mention who, he settled in the state residence. There he is guarded by the Bureau of Protection. But the outer space is also guarded by the NSO, which he gave up, but the service is there because of the president, “Rashkov said, adding that the prosecutor’s office had signed agreements with the Interior Ministry to patrol the 6th district administration around the Boyana residence. and watch for suspicious individuals. Rashkov will terminate these agreements.

The amendments to the Law on NGOs of both parties provide only the president, prime minister and head of parliament have security. After leaving the posts, they will be able to use transport from the service for up to 6 months, instead of 4 years, as it is now, and they will be able to give up the extra with a declaration. Only the members of the Constitutional Court, who are 12, the chairmen of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court, as well as the Prosecutor General will drive the amended cars of the NSO. They will also be able to give it up at will. Hadjigenov’s coalition and “There is such a people” are unanimous that the president’s administration will not use cars for the service. This means that the first lady is left without transport. The mayor of Sofia is also excluded from the list. Ministers, MPs, former presidents, prime ministers and heads of parliament will be guarded only by specific and proven threats, which will be decided by a commission.

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