Home » today » Health » Patients with metastatic breast cancer who request funding for medication ask the Ministry of Health for a response

Patients with metastatic breast cancer who request funding for medication ask the Ministry of Health for a response

Patients with metastatic breast cancer who on July 23 presented the signatures collected on the platform to the Ministry of Health change.org/CuantoValeUnaVida have met this morning with the Minister of Health, Mónica García, and the General Director of Portfolio and Pharmacy, César Hernández. In the statement issued after the meeting, they express that “It is neither an answer nor a solution” and? “The reality is that we still do not have access to these treatments, and the negotiation requires time that we do not have.”

“Thanks to all the mobilization achieved with our signature collection in change.org/CuantoValeUnaVidathe metastatic breast cancer patients who support this petition met this morning with the Minister of Health, Monica Garcia, and the Director General of Portfolio and Pharmacy, Cesar Hernandez”Victoria Rodrigo wrote in the statement.

“In the one hour and twenty minute meeting, we were informed that, Although their intention is to agree on a price to include these treatments in the National Health System, other actors are also involved in the negotiation.: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise; at the CIPM, as well as the laboratories that manufacture these treatments: AstraZeneca – Daichi Sankyo Alliance and Gilead. They also informed us that There is a procedure to provide these treatments during price negotiations, although this does not seem to be followed and we find this surprising.”

Patients say that What is offered is not a solution“We are willing to listen to any actor involved in this process, but the need for these drugs will not prevent us from taking the necessary actions to gain time and quality of life for the greatest number of patients with metastatic breast cancer. We are dying.”

Petition on Change.org

“When I was 37, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At 39, it metastasised. If I am still alive right now it is because I can pay for the treatment. Our health system has not approved that the medicines we need (Enhertu and Trodelvy) are financed by Social Security,” begins the petition by Victoria Rodrigo, a patient with metastatic breast cancer, who on June 25 launched a petition in Change.org/CuantoValeUnaVida.

Explain what, Despite announcements by the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the United States), in Spain, on June 19, the Interministerial Commission on Drug Prices (CIPM) did not approve the financing of the drugsEnhertu and Trodelvy for the indications of HER2 Low metastatic breast cancer (in the case of Enhertu) and hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (in the case of Trodelvy).

“After the necessary clinical trials, the EMA and the FDA approved this treatment as one of the most powerful and promising in recent years. For this reason, 16 countries have already begun to finance it. Why do we in Spain have to lag behind?”

In his collection of signatures, which already has more than 115,000 supporters, She is asking the pharmaceutical company and the Ministry of Health to reach an urgent agreement to finance her medication. “Since I have had breast cancer, I have met many women with my disease who could not access this medication, whereas I can receive it thanks to my private insurance, which I don’t know how long I will be able to afford,” she says.I have seen many of those colleagues who could not be treated die. “How much is our life worth, Ministry of Health? How many more women do I have to see die?”

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