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Patient with a history of metastatic breast cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and possible renal carcinoma under study

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Qualification : Patient with a history of metastatic breast cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and possible renal carcinoma under study
Author : Pedroza, Luis Alberto, director
Bravo López, Joselyn Andrea
Keywords : Mamas – Cancer.
Breast – Cancer – Diagnosis.
Breast – Cancer – Treatment.
Publication date : 2018
Editorial : Quito
Citation: Thesis (Medical), San Francisco de Quito University, College of Health Sciences; Quito, Ecuador, 2018
Summary : 69-year-old patient with a history of breast cancer with clinical stage IIIC diagnosed in 2011, who received chemotherapy CT scheme (Docetaxel, Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide) 6 cycles, plus modified right radical mastectomy of estrogen receptors 7, progestin receptors 5. ..
Description : An old woman with a history of breast cancer with stage IIIC diagnosed in 2011, who received TAC chemotherapy (Docetaxel, Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide) 6 cycles, plus modified radical mastectomy of estrogen receptors 7, and progestogen receptors 5…
URI: http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/handle/23000/7640
Appears in collections: Thesis – Medicine

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