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‘Patience of the State is gone’: house conspiracy theorist auctioned after accusing judge | Inland

Plug has just been released from ten weeks in prison for a photo of two body bags and the text ‘The press conference is canceled tonight’. The judge judged that as a death threat against Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge. At the beginning of this month, he was arrested again for violating the contact ban with these ministers.

Plug is also at loggerheads with a Leiden judge, whom he accuses of being part of a large conspiracy with elite child molesters. He walked down the judge’s street with a megaphone to ‘warn’ the neighborhood about her. He also made accusations on social media. He refused to stop even though the penalties amounted to a quarter of a million euros.

‘Old pattern’

According to the state attorney, Plug has consulted about how he could continue to live in his house at the Katwijk boulevard, where he lived ‘nicely’. Plug was then given longer time to delete the offending Twitter messages. “That was the third time that the State offered you – without obligation – a chance to prevent the foreclosure sale of your home by still complying with the court order. The State finds it very disappointing that, contrary to what you suggested to us in our telephone conversation, you have again proved unwilling to do so. Since your release you have fallen back into your old pattern.”

‘The patience has now run out at the State’, Kingma writes. Plug’s house is up for auction and if he continues with the accusations, new penalties will follow.


Plug has many fans among anti-government activists. He has been fighting against alleged injustice for years. The former prison employee started by raising problems in the Scheveningen prison hospital. Then he detected a great conspiracy of sadistic seniors who would abuse and kill children.

He also got involved in Lisa’s “story.” That is the story of Marlies van Muiswinkel, mother of a girl who is said to have been ritually abused by high ranking people in The Hague. Research program Argos published that story, but the Public Prosecution Service did not find any leads to make a case of it.

“Councillor Sikke Kingma (part-time state lawyer) is going to auction my house in collaboration with bailiff Groot & Evers,” Plug writes on Twitter. He recalls that there is a ‘giga scandal’ surrounding the state attorney’s office. He is referring to the diversion of money by the former chairman of the firm.

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