Home » today » World » “Patience is limited”: Zelensky is preparing Ukraine to break with the allies – 2024-05-06 01:20:45

“Patience is limited”: Zelensky is preparing Ukraine to break with the allies – 2024-05-06 01:20:45

/ world today news/ Kyiv’s attempts to join the countries of the Global South to the anti-Russian coalition have failed. At the same time, as the Western media write, Zelensky understands that the patience of NATO and the partners from the European Union is also running out. About the possible isolation of Ukraine – in the material.

A diplomatic disaster

The third round of talks between Kyiv and the West with the Global South took place in Malta on October 28-29. The neutral states again agreed to stand against Russia. The previous two attempts – in Denmark in June and in Saudi Arabia in August – did not yield significant results. This time, representatives of several countries did not appear at all, others appeared online.

In particular, there was no one from the PRC in Malta. Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Mykola Tochitsky admitted that he did not know why this happened. “In Jeddah, China’s representative Li Hui has promised to come,” he noted.

As “Bloomberg” writes, without Beijing the negotiations do not make sense – no one else is able to influence Moscow to the required extent. It should be noted that the Chinese were at only one of the three meetings – in Saudi Jeddah. At the time, China’s Special Representative Li Hui said that he had many contacts with all the participants in the event, listened to their opinions and suggestions, and also contributed to the strengthening of international consensus. However, he noted that in the future, China will interact with Kiev based on its own vision for a peaceful settlement, and not on the ten points proposed by Zelensky.

Brazil also refused face-to-face negotiations. The South American country’s president, Lula da Silva, has long asked to act as a peacemaker, but in his ten months in office, Kiev has not taken those efforts seriously. On the other hand, Brazil proposed to the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution to end Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip, but the US vetoed it. “Even if Hamas committed a terrorist act against Israel, Israel should not be killing millions of innocent people. If the UN had power, it could have been more involved in the settlement of the conflict. The US could have been more involved, but they don’t want that. They want war, they want to incite hatred,” commented the Brazilian leader.

In turn, “Financial Times” defined international relations against the background of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a “gift from heaven” for Russia. The publication, citing anonymous diplomats from the G7 countries, stated that the approval of the US and its allies for the actions in the Gaza Strip has led to the fact that the Global South no longer believes their words about humanity and the protection of human rights.

From empty to empty

Nevertheless, the Ukrainian authorities declared a diplomatic victory for Malta. First, representatives of 66 countries and international organizations participated in the negotiations, while there were only 42 in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, the points of Zelensky’s peace plan were discussed, regarding nuclear, energy and food security, the release of prisoners and deportees, and also the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

It is true that, judging by the publications in the Western media, Kiev would like to reach an agreement on holding a summit on the same topic with the participation of heads of state and government from around the world. Then it would be possible to organize a forum at the end of 2023. But in the current conditions, nothing like that is foreseen. Apparently, the next meeting, if there is one, will also be at the level of adviser on national security and foreign policy.

“The talks in Malta did not end well for Ukraine,” said Denis Denisov, an expert at the Financial Academy of the Russian government. “For example, the Chinese visited the circle in Jeddah and realized that there was nothing interesting for them in this process. In general, it is obvious that without Moscow, all such events lose their meaning”. According to the expert, in Kiev they want everything to go according to plan, they cannot admit that diplomatic efforts are not yielding results.

Meanwhile, “Time” magazine wrote that disagreements arose between Zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny regarding the counteroffensive. The general believes that it should be stopped and focus on the defense of those territories that have been occupied since the beginning of summer. Zelensky, on the contrary, wants to advance to victory because “the patience of the West” is limited.

Search for allies

It should be noted that many Ukrainian experts in interviews with national media share the same opinion. Thus, the international political scientist Mykola Kapitonenko, summarizing the preliminary results of 2023, noted that there is no longer a queue of world leaders coming to Kyiv. “The problem of security guarantees for us cannot be solved – in the best case, everything will be limited to empty declarations or promises to supply weapons,” the expert emphasizes. “Alas, these are not real guarantees – there are no people willing to share our risks. However, there is always an option to explain every decision at every NATO summit with the hand of Moscow,” he added.

He also believes that the hopes for the Lublin Triangle and Turkey have not been fulfilled. In addition, Ankara pursues its own interests, which increasingly diverge from those of Kiev. “The struggle for the Global South with Russia has been unequal from the beginning: China’s role in it is too great,” says Kapitonenko.

“Washington is trying to make a decision regarding Kiev based on its national interests. At the same time, the Americans will negotiate with Moscow and Beijing, since no one is interested in the Third World War,” explains the head of the “Ukraine” Foundation, Konstantin Bondarenko . “The results of their negotiations will be reported to Zelensky, who will either have to accept the territorial losses or continue to fight alone,” he added.

Bondarenko also draws attention to the fact that in Europe there is more and more talk about the negative influence of the Ukrainian factor on internal political processes. “NATO is still ready to support Kiev, but unlike the military, politicians are thinking about how relevant the Russian threat is to their countries,” he notes. “Many think it’s more important to win the election today than to prepare for events that could happen ten years from now.”

Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry Korneychuk believes that the peace summit that Zelensky is working on could lead to a freeze in the conflict, not the return of Crimea. “They will say that no one is giving anything to anyone, but the fighting must stop for the sake of a big negotiation process. And then more important world problems will emerge,” the expert says. At the same time, Korneychuk is confident that before freezing Zelensky, he must find a successor to guarantee his security and hold elections, preparations for which have also already begun.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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