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Paths to education in Bremen | GEW

The educational institutions in Bremen and Bremerhaven have long been vying for skilled workers. The shortage is getting bigger and bigger. The teaching supply rate is falling. The number of missing staff is increasing. Students and other people who are not fully trained have to help out in daycare centers, schools, universities and also in further education in order to keep the system running. Reason enough for the bildungsmagaz!n editorial team to shed light on the background of personnel policy and how it is dealt with.

We have deliberately placed Wilfried Meyer’s fictitious interview with a career changer at the beginning. It will stimulate discussion on the topic. This is followed by the assessment of the school staff council, which has a say every day in whether and who is hired. An important guideline here is the quality of education. The main focus, however, is on the five self-portraits of employees in Bremen’s education system. They describe how their entry into the job went or should go and whether there were any problems.

Susanne Carstensen and Werner Pfau love France and always have their camera with them. The bildungsmagaz!n benefits from this. We have put together their holiday images in a photo series. They show the beautiful France. But politically, things are not going so well in France at the moment. The French also have a big problem with the shift to the right in society. We link the images to the current political situation.

The editorial team hopes you enjoy reading and gain some new insights. We look forward to receiving feedback, suggestions and other comments – not only on this topic.

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