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Pastor Klaus Oehrlein retires

Bishop Franz Jung has approved the resignation requested by Pastor Klaus Oehrlein (66), spiritual advisor to the Ackermann congregation in Würzburg, and put him into permanent retirement with effect from September 1, 2022. This is reported by the press service of the Episcopal Ordinariate. For the many years of loyal and good service in pastoral care, Jung expressed his pastoral thanks.

Oehrlein was born in Margetshoechheim in 1955. Bishop Paul-Werner Scheele ordained him a priest on June 27, 1981 in Würzburg’s Kiliansdom. Then Oehrlein worked as a chaplain in Hofheim. In 1984 he became regional youth pastor for the deaneries of Ebern and Haßfurt, combined with the task of pastor for Krum. In 1989, Bishop Scheele appointed Oehrlein pastor for conscientious objectors and people doing community service. In 1993 Oehrlein became Kuratus von Ochsenfurt-Sankt Thekla and hospital chaplain at the Main-Klinik Ochsenfurt (both until 2003) and pastor of Hopferstadt, and in 1999 also of Hohestadt.

In 2009, Bishop Friedhelm Hofmann established the “Tückelhausen” parish community with the parishes of Darstadt, Goßmannsdorf am Main, Hohestadt, Hopferstadt and Tückelhausen and appointed Oehrlein as leader. In addition, Oehrlein was from 1995 to 1999 district pastoral counselor in the district of Würzburg and from 1995 deputy dean, from 2005 to 2010 dean of the Deanery Ochsenfurt. From 2013 to 2016 he was also a part-time clergyman in the Ackermann congregation in the Diocese of Würzburg.

Since 2015, Oehrlein has also been the celebrant for the Byzantine Catholic liturgy in the Diocese of Würzburg. In 2016, he became a part-time clergyman for the Ackermann congregation in Würzburg and vicar in the parish of Sankt Josef the groom in the Grombühl district of Würzburg. From 2018 to 2020 he was parish administrator of this parish. Since then he has been a working priest there.

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