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Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong Accused of Blasphemy: Indonesian Youth Congress Files Police Report


Video Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong which refers to zakat and long-tailed prayer movements. Gilbert has now again reported on allegations of religious blasphemy.

This time, Pastor Gilbert was reported by Indonesian Youth Congress (KPI) Chairman Sapto Wibowo Sutanto. The reporter’s lawyer, Pitra Romadoni, said Gilbert’s video had caused an uproar in society.

“Noting that the situation on social media was starting to become unfavorable due to GL jokes and hurting the feelings of Muslims, so the DKI Jakarta KPI took the situation to file a police report be done against GL to reduce public tension and public unrest to defeat the case. He was given complete trust and handed over to the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta KPI to the authorities for legal processing,” explained Pitra in his press statement, Saturday (20/4/2024).

Sapto Wibowo’s report is registered with Police Report No: LP/B/2110/IV/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, dated 19 January 2024. Furthermore, Pitra said his party was responsible for the police the legal process.

“DPN KPI hopes that the public will remain calm regarding the video of GL’s speech as it has been handed over and the handling of the matter to the Indonesian National Police (Polri), in this case the Polda Metro Jaya, will continue. and they can bring a sense of justice to the community to maintain interfaith harmony and tolerance that is good and harmonious in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” he said.

Pitra said KPI reported Gilbert by Article 28 paragraph 2 juncto Article 45A of the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Act.

Audio Article 28:

Any person who intentionally and without right distributes and/or distributes electronic information and/or Electronic Documents that incites, invites, or influences others to harbor feelings of hatred or create enemies for some individuals and/or community groups based on race, nationality. , ethnicity, skin color, religion, belief, sex, mental disability, or physical disability.

Article 45A Sound:

Any person who knowingly and unlawfully transmits and/or distributes electronic information and/or Electronic Documents that encourages, invites, or influences others to have feelings create hatred or enmity towards certain individuals and/or community groups based on race, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, religion, belief, gender, mental disability or physical disability as mentioned in Article 28 paragraph (2) is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of IDR 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah).

Previously, Pastor Gilbert was mentioned by Farhat Abbas. Pastor Gilbert was reportedly accused of religious blasphemy in his videotaped speech.

Pastor Gilbert’s answer

Before that, Gilbert Lumaindang he did not comment much on the report against him. However, he apologized again for what he said.

Statement me: again we apologize, to the people who were hurt and hurt, God willing, the future will be better,” said Gilbert.


2024-04-20 13:34:41

#Pastor #Gilbert #Reported #Alleged #Blasphemy #Religion

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