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Password glitch: Social media account hacked

This October is Cybersecurity Month again on our blog. So full focus on your security online! Let’s start with an underestimated danger: insecure passwords for social media accounts. If your password for Facebook, Snapchat, etc. is too weak, it can have dire consequences for you.

Your social media accounts are like a window into your private life – and perhaps also your professional environment. So do you also protect these accounts with a strong password? If not, you risk having your data stolen and your social media profiles misused for criminal purposes.

Instagram, XING or TikTok password cracked: What can happen?

Losing your password can have dire consequences. The consequences that a weak and therefore easy-to-crack password can have for your social media accounts are pretty severe. And in case of doubt, they not only affect you, but also your contacts with whom you are linked on these platforms.

But more on that later – let’s first see what immediate consequences a hacked social media profile has for you:

Identity theft: Someone steals your digital self

The Internet is not so anonymous at allas many believe. Social media channels in particular are mostly included personal data like that names or even that Address linked.

This information is highly sought after in hacker circles. Not only can they be stolen, they can also be misused. At Identity theft For example, someone takes on your role online and causes mischief on the Internet under your name:

The criminal buys or sells e.g. For example, it sells goods in your name (that don’t even exist), spreads malicious defamatory, illegal or false content via your profile, or carries out unauthorized financial transactions (many social media accounts are directly connected to payment service providers).

By the way: Identity theft can also have serious consequences for companies.

Dangerous convenience: security risks for companies

Instagram and Co. are long gone no pure entertainment platforms more. Companies of all sizes can reach a large audience relatively easily and are therefore investing more and more resources in it Advertising on social media. But there are also dangers lurking here:

Companies – just like private individuals – tend to simple, insecure passwords to use for Instagram and Co. This should make it easier for the responsible social media managers to access the company accounts. Then it will be over comfort also on one Two-factor authentication omitted, the path is clear for hackers and the company account is quickly hacked. With catastrophic consequences:

The company’s good reputation suffers

The attackers can use the company profile harmful or misleading content publish and with that Trust of customers and business partners. With appropriate financial lossesas customers turn away from them. The company’s reputation suffers permanent damage.

So a company doesn’t stick to social media simplest security standardsthis raises fears that the Dealing with customers saves on security.

Loss of control: Private details about you become public

What can also happen to you in your private environment: If criminals crack your personal account, they can automatically view your photos and those of your friends as well as your private messages. This data can be published so that it is visible to the entire network.

Losing control over these private insights is not just a problem Violation of privacy but can also lead to significant emotional distress. See also our article on doxing.

The published photos and private chats can also be used against you. Because once it’s online, it’s almost impossible to get it back.

Even blackmail: Social media is a lucrative target

As you can see, a cracked password on social media can have fatal consequences. But these consequences can go much further:

If cybercriminals change your credentials, you could permanently lose access to your social media accounts. This may be manageable for many, but since these accounts are often associated with valuable personal memories, it can be very painful for some people.

Those who make their living from social media are hit particularly hard. For so-called influencers it could Loss of account equivalent to that Loss of their job be.

Large accounts, such as the profiles of well-known athletes, entrepreneurs or influencers, are particularly lucrative for hackers. These individuals are under significant pressure to protect their reputations and accounts, which cybercriminals face Blackmail attempts can use.

Phishing links are sent via your account

Let’s go back to the fact that your hacked social media profile can also harm other people. This works e.g. B. via a popular trick on Instagram:

Criminals send via your hacked account fake links (so-called phishing links) to your contacts. For example, they disguise the links as a shared photo collection.

Since the recipients of these fake links appear to be from Acquaintances or even friends receive, trust they prefer the links. If your contacts then innocently follow the phishing link and click on it, they will be asked to enter their access data to gain access to the photos.

This is how cybercriminals get their hands on them Usernames, Passwords and Passwords and crack many other social media profiles with ease. This way they can continue to spread their fake news.

But the consequences can also be much more dangerous: these messages often also contain links to fraudulent websites or Attachments containing malwarethat infect your device.

How to protect yourself from password hacks on social media

One thing first: A secure digital life doesn’t have to be complicated!

Whether it’s protecting your personal information, securing your business profile, or maintaining your online reputation, a strong, complex password is essential first and most important step!

How do I create a strong password?

If your password is not secure enough, you should create a new one that contains at least 12 characters. Read our tip about which points you need to pay particular attention to. To help you memorize these complicated passwords, simple memory aids can help. So you can have several complicated passwords remember and yourself secure move on the Internet.

Mnemonics allowed!

And despite the memory aid, it may become difficult in the long run not to forget a password. Security experts recommend, not just every account with one different password to secure, but also this from change from time to timein order not to provide cybercriminals with an attack surface. This is especially true if your password has been compromised in a data breach. Use this page to find out if this is the case.

If you have many accounts with many different passwords, we recommend using a password manager. These programs create and save complex, unique passwords for each of your accounts, taking the work off your hands. As a rule, you secure this password database with a Master passwordyours fingerprintor one Scan of your face.

Two-factor authentication

Another security level that you should ideally always have activated is: Two-factor authentication (2FA). This means that attackers not only need your password, but also access to your second factor, for example your cell phone. Access to the account is then only possible if you confirm your registration externally using this factor. GMX also works with this additional protection mechanism to optimally protect you and your data.

You see, optimal protection doesn’t have to be complicated. If you follow our tips, you can significantly reduce the risk and effectively protect your social media accounts from cybercriminals.
Always remember: your online security starts with a strong password.

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Password glitch: Social media account hacked
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