What you need to know about this holiday
Passover or Passover is the central Jewish holiday in memory of the mass exodus of Jews (Israelites) from Egypt (under the leadership of Moses).
It begins on the 14th day of the month of Nissan (according to the Jewish calendar) and is celebrated for 7 days in Israel and 8 days outside of it.
Also revered by Karaites, Samaritans and partly Messianic Jews.
The literal name of the holiday Passover is translated as “passed by” and means that the Lord showed mercy and carried all his anger and punishment past Jewish homes, while striking the families of the Egyptians.
The holiday is based on the biblical story of the tenth Egyptian punishment, according to which another punishment of God fell upon the Egyptians for the enslavement of the Jews and the Pharaoh’s refusal to release them from slavery. At the same time, Jewish families whose houses were marked with the sacrificial blood of lambs were able to avoid God’s wrath.
Only after all the first-born children in Egyptian families began to die, the Jews, by the will of the Almighty and under the leadership of Moses, received the long-awaited liberation from slavery and left Egypt (wandering in the desert for 40 years).
So, Passover marks the liberation of the Jewish people from many years of oppression and slavery, liberation from oppression and the desire for freedom.
The main traditions of Jewish Passover
Historically, special traditions of celebrating this great holiday have developed for every Jewish family. First of all, Jews spend these days in prayer and reading the Torah.
In the evening on the first and second days of Passover, the whole family gathers at the table.
Such The ritual dinner is called “Seder” and all those in need are invited to it, as well as those who cannot celebrate the holiday with their family. for some reason.
There shouldn’t be a lot of dishes on the table, so an indicative menu could be as follows:
- matzo (unleavened bread made from wheat flour)
- beytsa (hard-boiled or oven-baked eggs)
- meat on the bone
- dishes with bitter herbs and bitter greens
- water with a diluted spoon of salt (to dip the greens)
- fruits and dishes made from them
After these dishes, stuffed fish can also be served.
Drinks allowed are wine and juice. In this case, one glass must be left for the prophet.
From the third to the sixth day, believers can go to work, but it is not customary to work.
And already the seventh and eighth days are holidays again. Passover ends with prayer and the consumption of matzah and wine..
What is strictly prohibited during Passover
During the Passover holiday, it is prohibited to consume or keep at home the following foods:
- produced by fermentation
- prepared with sourdough or yeast
You cannot use ordinary dishes, because there is a belief that during the year they “absorb” prohibited foods.
In addition, it is prohibited to perform any work on the first and last day of Passover.