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Passive smokers have a high risk of experiencing COPD, this is what lung experts say


JAKARTA Smoker passive are victims of active smokers. He does not smoke cigarettes, but also inhales cigarette smoke, and is even more at risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Chairman of the Central Board of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association, Prof. dr. Faisal Yunus, explained, in some literature it was revealed that passive smokers actually have a high risk of experiencing COPD.

“That’s because he doesn’t know that the smoke he inhales due to active smokers causes problems. Unconsciously passive smokers accumulate diseases that make him unaware of the disease and that increases the risk,” explained Prof Faisal in a webinar organized by the Ministry of Health, Tuesday (23rd). /11/2021).

Another factor that makes secondhand smoke a high risk of developing COPD is related to sidestream. That is, cigarette smoke exhaled by active smokers enters the bodies of those around them.

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“And after investigation, cigarette smoke released by active smokers and then inhaled by people around them, contains more harmful substances. So, that’s why passive smokers have a natural chance of COPD,” he explained.

Cigarette smoke inhaled by active smokers is called mainstream and it is not much more dangerous than sidestream smoke. That’s why, you may often hear, active smokers but do not experience diseases related to the respiratory tract.

According to Prof. Faisal, this is also related to other factors, one of which is one’s immune system. The weaker the immune system, the more toxins that enter the body and infect easily.

“Some people who actively smoke may have a strong immune system so their bodies don’t really feel the bad effects of cigarette smoke. But, if smoking has become a routine, there will be a tolerance limit that the body cannot handle and eventually causes health problems, including COPD,” he added.


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