Home » today » Entertainment » “Passion Lobanova”, astronaut and “Vice Miss Ukraine”. Where is Lidiya Arefieva now and what did she forget at DOM-2?

“Passion Lobanova”, astronaut and “Vice Miss Ukraine”. Where is Lidiya Arefieva now and what did she forget at DOM-2?

Lydia has not been offered any major roles, and since the 2018 mini-series “The Price of the Past”, the actress has not appeared in films at all. “The acting profession is sad: you’re always in a state of uncertainty – you’re always waiting until you get approval or not, whether there will be work or not…” He admitted Arefieva. – And when the crisis came in 2008 and many film projects were closed, so that I would not sit in vain, I entered the Academy of Astrology. Anyway, by this time I turned to astrologers with questions regarding my acting career: what awaits me? When will the big roles come? And, listening to their predictions and explanations, at some point I realized that I myself could make the same predictions! Not opening an office and making money from it – no, just for me.”

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