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Passion for music | The mail

The passion for Athletic, which on Sunday night deservedly won its third Spanish Super Cup, is not incompatible with the enjoyment of contemporary music. That is the case of José Antonio Prado, who attended the concert offered by the Zukan Trio in the auditorium of the Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga Conservatory in Bilbao, within the 27th Kurai Contemporary Music Meeting, wearing a red-and-white mask. Eduardo Valle, confessed athleticzale, attended the musical meeting wearing the Athletic shirt.

On stage they came out, once the hundred lovers of good music were seated in their respective seats, the members of the Zukan Trio, Jon Ansorena (txistu), María Zubimendi (accordion) and Gorka Catediano (percussion), who had played part of the afternoon tuning the different instruments, some as surprising as horse jaws, that they were going to use throughout the concert.

A concert whose program was composed of songs such as’ Tierkreis (1975) – arranged by the Zukan Trio. Selection of movements for txistus, accordion and percussion-, by Karlheinz Stockhausen; ‘Miles Away Trío’ (2020) -for amplified tables, solar panels and LED lights-, by Juan Luis Montoro; ‘Hamaika Ilargi’ (2016) -for whistle, accordion and percussion-, by Jagoba Astiazaran; ‘Bertso’ (2019) -for txistu, microtonal accordion, percussion and voice-, by Francisco Domínguez; ‘Trauma’ (2014) -for horse jaws and bass drum- and ‘Batuccatta’ (2020) -for horse jaws-, by Hugo Morales.

The concert was attended by Maite Aurrekoetxea, director of the Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga Conservatory; Maite Villate, head of studies at the center; Andrea Cazzaniga, organizer of the Kuraia Contemporary Music cycle; the composer Jagoba Astiazaran, the singer Leire Belloso, Nekane Díez, from the Bilbao Choral Society; Pilar Artola, María Teresa Torrón, Mari Carmen Díaz, Laura Miota, Claudia González, Antonia Esteban, Félix Díez, from the Deustoarrak Choir; Esther Rodríguez and Moisés Morales.

Also attending were Vega Benito, Orosia Herrera, Emilio Lomas, Maribel Ezkizia, Mercedes Ormazabal, Clara Agirregomezkorta, Ángela Cabañas, María José Díaz, Paquita Gómez, Larraitz Navas, Puri Valerio, Óscar Cubillo, music critic for EL CORREO; Karmele García, Karla Luna, María Teresa Oiz, José María Ruiz, Diego Humanes, Miguel Arteta and Juan Carlos Manzano.

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