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Passing TKDN, Oppo A Series Immediately Enter RI at Low Prices – All Pages

Oppo will launch its newest smartphone in Indonesia, following a device with the model number “CPH2239” appearing on the domestic component level certification page of the Ministry of Industry (TKDN Kemenperin).

The equipment registered with the certificate number 195 / SJ-IND.8 / TKDN / 2/2021 has pocketed a TKDN value of 31.10 percent. The same model number is also registered on the Postel Directorate General SDPPI Kemenkominfo certification site with certificate number 73418 / SDPPI / 2021.

For information, the Postel certificate of the Directorate General of SDPPI of the Ministry of Communication and Information is one of the requirements that must be met, before the smartphone can be sold in Indonesia.

Regarding the model number “CPH2239”, internet searches have yielded no conclusive results regarding the official name of this device. It could be, the cellphone that will be launched is the successor of several previous series.

Party Oppo himself until now has not disclosed this information. However, when introducing Oppo Reno5 F some time ago, Oppo had announced that his party would indeed release a device from the A series in the country.

The device is also claimed to be the latest cellphone Oppo which will be released for the first time in Indonesia.

“The new device that will be launched brings a change to the A series line in 2021,” said Aryo Meidianto, PR Manager. Oppo Indonesia in an official statement.

Price IDR 2 million

Aryo also said that the device with the model number “CPH2239” is a low-end phone which is believed to attract consumers. Because, according to Aryo, this device will carry a series of features that are equivalent to premium class phones.

“This device is a manifestation of our commitment (Oppo) especially to present the technology, features, and hardware that are usually present in the upper middle class to be present on this device. The plan is for the device to be sold at a price of two million (Rupiah) in Indonesia, “said Aryo.

For your information, Oppo Series A is an entry-level cellphone line that contributes greatly to smartphone sales figures Oppo in Indonesia. Oppo claims that more than 50 percent of the Series A line continues to account for sales Oppo in Indonesia from year to year.

In this year, to be precise, last February 2021, Oppo has added to its new A-series line of phones by releasing Oppo A15S with a tag of Rp. 2.3 million.

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