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Passengers spend more than hours in stranded trains without air conditioning | Inland

How the overhead wires broke down is not yet known, says a spokesperson for ProRail. “It is true that this week and last week we have more problems with disruptions due to the heat. We are still investigating whether there is a direct connection here. ”

The train with approximately sixty passengers came to a stop at Den Dolder around 10 a.m. The travelers were evacuated by bus.

A second train that had been stranded for an hour a little further along the route contained about a hundred passengers. This train was eventually able to continue under its own power towards Utrecht. Here too the train passengers were offered a bottle of water.

ProRail would initially repair the overhead contact line on Wednesday afternoon and check a few hundred meters along the route for damage, but is delaying this to Thursday night due to the heavy thunderstorm that is coming. During thunderstorms it is too dangerous to carry out the repairs, according to ProRail.

The railway manager expects train traffic to get back on track on Friday morning. The NS has used express buses between Amersfoort and Den Dolder.

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