The passengers were not warned about a possible change in the schedule and no one wanted to give them a reason for the delay
The dramas at the airports after the end of the pandemic continue. Earlier today, a BLITZ reader reported that a flight from Sofia to Frankfurt was delayed by more than one astronomical hour.
The passengers were not warned about a possible change in the schedule and no one wanted to give them a reason for the delay.
Flight FB437 of Bulgaria Air was scheduled for 1:20 p.m. local time. The plane took off at 14:41.
BLITZ tried to contact the PR department of Sofia Airport, and then the “customer service” department of Bulgaria Air. The airport stated that the delayed flights were not their responsibility, and the Bulgaria Air line was busy for a few minutes.
We recall that on May 17, passengers were stranded at Sofia Airport waiting for their luggage. In fact, the nightmare started earlier, when their flight – FB438 from Frankfurt to Sofia, took off with an hour and a half delay and the passengers again had no idea what the cause of this discomfort was.
Later it became clear that there was a delay of flight FB437 on its departure from Sofia by 61 minutes due to congestion at the airport in Frankfurt, as well as a delay of the return flight FB438 from Frankfurt to Sofia by 24 minutes for the same reason.
On [email protected] BLITZ expects news, photos and video from its readers all over Bulgaria and the world
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2023-05-21 13:10:03
#Emergency #BLITZ #drama #Sofia #Airport #passengers #raging #PHOTOS