Home » today » Business » Passenger organization TreinTramBus finds wrong signal for NMBS train ticket price increase: “It does not motivate people to switch to sustainable transport”

Passenger organization TreinTramBus finds wrong signal for NMBS train ticket price increase: “It does not motivate people to switch to sustainable transport”

“If 200 million additional electricity costs are to be faced, then they have to be paid. But at a time when we have real climate problems and people should be using fewer cars and more sustainable means of transport, it’s not a good idea to introduce such an increase to make, “says Meukens.

Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Enterprises and Civil Service Petra De Sutter (green) are also unhappy with more expensive train tickets. A measure on the table with the government is the abolition of VAT on train tickets. For example, the price could drop by 6%.

According to Meukens, there may indeed be a solution. “If you see what the federal government is investing in lowering the prices of gasoline and diesel, you are talking about an effort that is 15 to 20 times greater than removing the VAT on train tickets. Country and at the same time if you increase the cost of train tickets, people will no longer be inclined to move on the train. And it’s a shame. “

“All the governments of this country are constantly talking about modal shift. People need to move from motor transport to more sustainable means of transport. You don’t motivate people by saying: if you change, you can pay a little more. “

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