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Update 07/07/2021

On Friday July 9, 2021, the Tour de France will cross the Hérault department from east to west on the occasion of the 13th stage between Nîmes and Carcassonne.

General informations

The caravan will enter the Hérault department through the town of Galargues at 10:57 a.m. (12:53 p.m. for runners) and will cross La Livinière, the last town in the department, from 2:58 p.m. (4:33 p.m. for runners). These times are indicative. Find all the Hérault municipalities concerned by the passage of the Tour de France, and the timetable of the Tour caravan and the runners at the address: https://www.letour.fr/fr/etape-13

Parking and traffic conditions on Friday July 9 :

The parking vehicles will be prohibited * on the entire route at least 4 hours before the passage of the Tour de France.

The circulation will be prohibited * on the entire route at least 1 hour before the passage of the advertising caravan. It will be reopened gradually (15 minutes to 1 hour) after the passage of the runners.

To know everything about traffic conditions: https://inforoute.herault.fr/

* These restrictions are provided for information only and may vary depending on the orders taken by each municipality crossed: https://www.herault.gouv.fr/content/download/39336/258292/file/0%20-%20n% C2% B099.pdf

Due to the influx of spectators expected on the course and the closure of main roads, traffic difficulties are to be expected on the alternate lanes. Whenever possible, motorists are asked to advance or postpone their trips.

The safety rules to be adopted during the passage of the Tour de France

For the safety of runners :

Stay as far as possible from the roadway and do not obstruct the passage of runners with objects, including signs. The aisles can be used by runners;

Don’t encroach on the road while taking your photos or videos. You risk being deceived by your goal on the actual distance separating you from vehicles and runners;

Do not sit at the exit of a turn where visibility is poor ;

Do not leave children unattended ; avoid ball and ball games. Faced with an apparently deserted road, they may be tempted to cross alone;

Keep dogs on a leash and away from the side of the road ;

Do not spray runners or run next to them. For their safety, do not go in front of them, even to encourage them.

For your safety :

– Be careful when you pick up the gifts distributed by the advertising caravan. Do not cross the road : it distributes them on both sides of the road;

In case of strong heat, bring hats, sunscreen, sprayers, etc. Drink water regularly and have children drink it, even if they do not ask for it;

Respect barrier gestures, especially wearing a mask which remains compulsory, including outdoors, for anyone 11 years of age and over in situations with a high density of people, when the distance between individuals cannot be respected.

Do not throw anything in nature ! Take your garbage with you, and leave the areas where you parked as clean as when you arrived.

Prohibitions on the occasion of the passage of the Tour de France this Friday, July 9

– Will be prohibited, in a space of 100 meters on each side of the routes taken by the Tour de France, any use of fire in the open air, in particular the use of barbecues individual charcoal, electric or gas, as well as any cooking installation, in particular stove;

– Will be prohibited, in a space of one hundred meters on each side of the tracks used by the Tour de France, the port as well as the transport and use of fireworks and pyrotechnics (in particular categories F1, F2, F3, T1, T2, P1, P2);

No aircraft or aerostat (including drone) cannot fly over the Tour de France;

The itinerant sale of products, foodstuffs, articles and objects of any kind on public roads is prohibited outside built-up areas and on the roads used by the Tour de France.

On the same roads, inside towns, the itinerant sale of all products, foodstuffs, articles and objects of any kind can only be carried out with the authorization of the mayor. Find the decrees taken by the mayors: https://www.herault.gouv.fr/content/download/39336/258292/file/0%20-%20n%C2%B099.pdf

Law enforcement and emergency services

The Departmental Operational Center will be opened in the prefecture to ensure the coordination of all security actors in the department.

The national gendarmerie and the firefighters of SDIS 34 will be mobilized and present throughout the course to ensure the safety of all.

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