Home » today » World » PaSoK: Zero hour for the signings – What will happen to the Duke – 2024-09-11 16:42:50

PaSoK: Zero hour for the signings – What will happen to the Duke – 2024-09-11 16:42:50

The moment has arrived and the clock is counting down. In the afternoon, specifically at 17:00, the process of collecting the signatures of the candidate leaders of PaSoK by EDEKAP begins. This specific procedure will last four hours and will end at 21:00. According to information, the signatures will be sent electronically or delivered on sticks on the 4th floor of Harilaou Trikoupi.

Any candidate who does not arrive or is late for any reason, the competent body for the faithful observance of the statute, will declare the specific candidacy as overdue.

The hunt for signatures

September 9 was set by the first meetings of EDEKAP as the final date for filing nominations. All the previous time the organizing staffs of the presidential candidates were running in order to collect as many signatures of support as possible. Until late at midnight many mobilisers were pushing for a few more signatures. The reason is none other than the impressions that will be gained by whichever presidential candidate submits the most.

In the last few hours, the associates of the presidential candidates have been counting their names and classified data over and over again in Excel. Their goal is to ensure that no mistake is made, while at the same time they make sure that they are constitutionally correct.

According to the constitution, if someone wishes to be a candidate, then they must submit at least 5,000 signatures of support or 15% of the party’s Central Committee.

The announcement of nominations

Afterwards, the members of EDEKAP will carry out random checks in order to establish whether the information submitted by the candidate leaders is valid. When the necessary control is finished, then the members of EDEKAP will announce the nominations. The nominations will be announced at the Central Committee meeting on Sunday, September 15.

The Duke nomination

At the end of the previous week, a serious problem arose with the candidacy of Haris Doukas, which some interpreted as a replacement, and the solution of the permanent conference was qualified. In particular, it was discussed to turn the meeting of the Central Committee into a permanent conference, with the aim of changing article 36 of the statute which reflects the disputed provision which prohibits, according to legal circles, the Mayor of Athens from being a candidate for the president of PaSoK.

The Duke is asking for a political solution

This impasse seems to be overcome as after the revealing publication of the step, which brought chain reactions within the faction, the secretary of PaSoK Andreas Spyropoulos took the initiative and the situation defused.
In particular, he convened an informal meeting of EDEKAP, in the presence of representatives of the candidates, and everything indicates that there will be a unanimous interpretation of the specific contested article of the statute. In this way, Haris Doukas will be allowed to be a candidate and claim the presidency of PaSoK.

The Duke announcement

With the highlighting of this issue, which until it is closed… remains open, Haris Doukas issued a statement asking for a political solution.

Specifically, he emphasizes, among other things, that “EDEKAP, at its new meeting on Monday, must put a definitive end to this barren debate. On this day, which is the date of filing the nominations, to evaluate the signatures of members of PASOK – Movement for Change or members of the Central Committee, who support the nominations and to announce the candidate Presidents. No amendment to the Statute is needed, but political will so that divisive expediencies do not prevail.”

In the final stretch for the internal party elections in PaSoK

With the collection of signatures, their identification and nominations, PaSoK enters the final stretch for the internal party elections on October 6. In addition, when the president of PaSoK Nikos Androulakis returns from D.E.Th. and the Central Committee is completed on the 15th of the month, developments are also expected in the matter of the debate.

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