Home » today » World » PaSoK: Who has been appointed, who has changed sides and who is waiting for the polls – 2024-08-08 09:13:53

PaSoK: Who has been appointed, who has changed sides and who is waiting for the polls – 2024-08-08 09:13:53

July has completed its calendar cycle and in PaSoK they are satisfied with the way the last days of the month went. Wiretapping, but also nine crucial bills came to Parliament in a short period of time.

There, the party president Nikos Androulakistogether with members of parliament who some are claiming the leadership of the party, such as Pavlos Geroulanos, who was also a rapporteur in two bills, defended the positions of the faction. Coordinated and organized, as stated by the chiefs of staff of the candidate leaders, “in a highly demanding period we set an example of political culture and opposition tactics” as they say.

But the presence of the MPs in the same place, especially in the last week, also brought awkward moments. Mute dialogues with exchanges of eye contact developed several times in the mortuary. Wells were installed in corridors and in the smokehouse. While those who did not participate in them, tried to interpret their often varied composition. Colleagues spoke in low voices at the dialogue tables. With the journalists, but also the MPs of other parties, to simply try not to appear indiscreet.

Invitation to silence

The reason is that several MPs have not yet taken a position regarding internal party developments. Some are waiting to see the first September polls. Others are studying the motions that have been filed and some others are waiting for the pandemonium time to calm the passions. They believe that as time passes, the situation will become clearer and in this way the conditions will be ripe for their announcement. THE George Papandreou, Member of Parliament for Achaia, former Prime Minister and son of the founder of PaSoK, is a person that all the candidates would want on their side. But he has given neither an anointing, nor an oracle. Keep quiet fish.

THE Pavlos Christidis he follows the same tactic. As a former secretary of the PASoK youth and a former candidate for leader, his word is heavy, that is why all the candidates have claimed him. It is typical that his celebration was attended by Nikos AndroulakisThe Harry Doukasexecutives from the staff of Pavlos Geroulanos and o Yannis Savalanosher husband Annas Diamantopoulou. THE Stefanos Parastatides, also from the younger generation of executives, with a long term in the organization of Harilaou Trikoupi, also keeps his papers closed. THE Milena Apostolakiwho had expressed her intentions to run for the leadership of PaSoK and withdrew from the race, is a person many are waiting to hear what she will do, as well as George Nikitiadis from the Dodecanese. The latter because of the island complex that is elected is quite useful for any mechanism that wants to have eyes and cores in every corner of the country.

Crucial month

Among the MPs who have not expressed their support for any candidate are two more persons of special importance. THE Naya Grigorakuwhose name is prominent in PaSoK, largely controls Lakonia and in the previous internal party processes had supported Andrea Loverdo, silent. Participating in this informal invitation to parliamentary silence is also Paris Koukoulopouloswho is one of the most experienced MPs of the PASoK, belongs to the old guard and with his words he can communicate with the collective subconscious of the faction.

If to these names we add MEP candidates who traveled all over Greece and brought thousands of preference crosses, such as the former minister Yannis Maniatisthe labor specialist Kostas Tsoukalas and the professor Lefteris Karchimakisthen we conclude that this month is considered quite critical for the anthropo-geography of intra-party relationships, but also for the mapping of the candidate leaders.

The movements

At a time when the organizing staffs of the candidate leaders are marking areas and persons to address, a great debate has opened about the cadres who moved in relation to the previous elections. THE Dimitris Konstantopoulos, former deputy of Etoloakarnania and organizational manager of Andreas Loverdos in the previous elections, is now on the side of Nikos Androulakis. From the so-called Papandreian block, the MP of Heraklion has come close to the president of PaSoK Francis Parasirisbut also the former MP of Fthiotida Nikos Tsonisthe former deputy of Heraklion Yannis Kourakiswhile it is rumored that the announcement of the support of the president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce is only a matter of time Yannis Hatzitheodosiou and the president of GSEVEE Giorgos Kavvathas.

In the narrow core

However, some Papandrei people also went to Harry Doukas. The incumbent MP Manolis Christodoulakisthe former MP Tonia Antoniou they are those who are in the narrow core of the mayor of Athens. At the same time, Haris Doukas, who is now being tried for the first time in an internal party procedure, has with him the deputies Odyssea Konstantinopoulos and Apostle Pana who in the previous process had supported Nikos Androulakis, while from the same camp he has also moved Panos Vlachos, who was previously a press representative. The latter will be actively involved from September.

The movements also include two important presences who declared their support for Pavlos Geroulanos. These are two MEPs, Mr Nikos Papandreou and the Saki Arnautoglou.

At the same time, although the candidacy of Anna Diamantopoulos is more recent, she also counts two “transfers”. She is the former member of parliament from Drama Hara Kefalidouwho has taken on the role of press representative in her campaign and in the previous internal party elections she supported Andreas Loverdos, as did the member of the Political Council Yannis Meimaroglouwhich also comes from the Loverdic block.

Her Nadia Giannakopoulou supports the mayor of Agia Varvara Bright Michoswho was a member of parliament in the past and had supported him in previous internal party elections Harry Kastanidiswhile according to information the MEP candidate will also help her Agathi Rosa Vretto.

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