Home » today » World » PaSoK: The messages of the signatures – Bey and the captains of Athens – 2024-09-10 05:23:02

PaSoK: The messages of the signatures – Bey and the captains of Athens – 2024-09-10 05:23:02

The first act in this complex scene of the internal processes in the PASOK has been completed. The organizing staffs of the gladiators collected the signatures required by article 28 of the statute and now the candidates enter the final stretch. In less than a month, PaSoK has elections, but only one of the 6 candidates will sit on the chair of the 6th floor of Harilaou Trikoupi. Where Andreas Papandreou sat first.

A total of 62,330 signatures were sent, on the 4th floor of Harilaou Trikoupi, where the EDEKAP office is. In the next few hours, the body responsible for the faithful observance of the statute, is called to carry out sample checks that will update the correctness of the procedure and then it will have to announce the nominations.

Androulaki’s display of power

The president of PaSoK, Nikos Androulakis, submitted 24,810 signatures of support from the base of the faction and another 171 members of the Central Committee. The move was interpreted by many as a show of strength, as Mr. Androulakis reached 25,000 signatures, more than any other candidate. At the same time, the 171 members of the Central Committee are a telling element that, despite the questioning and the early recourse to the polls, it largely maintains its power in the highest governing body of the party. He announced the submission of the signatures himself through a video he uploaded on social media. This particular video was filmed at the new offices of PASOK in Aiani Kozani, a place he found during his tour.

The party message of Haris Doukas

Power in K.E. showed that Haris Doukas has it too. The Mayor of the city of Athens chose to submit only 100 signatures of members of the K.E. Thus showing that about 1/3 of the faction’s top organ has a reference to it. Something that was not the case a year ago. In fact, these signatures are twice the limit of 15% provided by the statute. The smolization of the internal opposition and its expression in his person, officially constitute the creation of a pole within the PASOK, and at the same time one of the messages of yesterday’s process.

Also, it is worth mentioning that Mr. Doukas did not provide signatures of support from the grassroots, even though he ran a campaign in the previous period. Campaign that even had targeted sponsored social media posts. His staff emphasize that they have collected thousands of signatures and that the exact number will be announced in the coming days. However, whatever number of signatures is announced by the Duke camp, this cannot be checked, nor confirmed by EDEKAP, as the process is clear and no additions are now allowed. According to members of EDEKAP, Mr. Doukas, like all the candidates, could submit the signatures until yesterday at 21:00.

The names of the captains of Athens

One of the people who signed in favor of Haris Doukas is the deputy mayor of Athens for cleaning, but also a member of the Political Council Roxani Beyfor which many believed that she would be on the side of Nikos Androulakis. The mayor of Athens is also supported by the deputy mayor of Education Paris Charlautis who comes from the same school as the president of PaSoK. These are some of the names that were discussed in the corridors of Harilaou Trikoupi and brought satisfaction to the Dukas camp.

However, the open support of some members of the faction of the Mayor of Athens to Nikos Androulakis has caused a sensation. One of these persons is the deputy mayor of finance George Giannaros who signed in favor of Androulakis, as did the authorized advisors Popi Yiannopoulou, Dimitra Sideris, Christina Vassiliou, Mina Funjula. At the same time, the chairman of the Municipal Council Manolis Velegrakis and the vice mayor of infrastructure Andreas Grammatikogiannis have also expressed themselves openly in favor of the candidacy of Nikos Androulakis, while the mandated advisor Tryfon Kavvathas supports Michael Katriniswhich shows that the Duke faction has significant cracks on the way to the October 6 ballot.

The surprise

One of the facts that surprised anyone who follows the internal affairs of PaSoK is the number of signatures collected by Michalis Katrinis. Mr. Katrinis, who is also the only candidate to be elected MP from the province, submitted a total of 14,001 signatures. A big number, which surprised many and did not go unnoticed through the corridors of Harilaou Trikoupi. Mr. Katrinis was also the only candidate who went in person to the offices of PaSoK

A standard procedure

His associates Pavlos Geroulanos they submitted 7,962 signatures, a number that had been leaked early on. Mr. Geroulanos is these days on a tour in Thessaloniki which gives a great base and on Wednesday he will be in Vellideio to attend the speech of the president of PaSoK. At the time of the deposit of the signatures, he made a speech to present his plan for the economy, which is also the important political event of the day for him and his associates.

Anna Diamantopoulou 7,000 signatures, which is enough to be a candidate and to provoke the debate she wants. After all, this is what he said in a meeting with journalists that he had late at night in a well-known bar in the downtown area.

Her associates Nadias Giannakopoulou they presented 8,300 signatures as she is also on tour, while Yannis Kanellakis requested in his letter that EDEKAP accept his candidacy.

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