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Pasha ‘Purple’ to Slamet Ariyadi


There are 4 candidates who are fighting for the chair of general chairman Barisan Muda Penegak Amanat Nasional (BM PAN). One of them is Sigit Purnomo Said or commonly known as Pasha ‘Purple’.

The four candidates are former Palu Mayor Sigit Purnomo (Pasha), DPR Member Mitra Fakhruddin, NU cadre Slamet Ariyadi and former UIN Jakarta Student President Riyan Hidayat.

“That’s right,” SC Congress VI Chief Achmad Qayyimel Alofi told detik.com, Sunday (13/2/2022). Alofi answered the question whether or not the 4 candidates for the chairmanship of BM PAN were correct.

The general chairman election will be held at the VI Congress, Bogor, West Java, on February 22. Now the general chairman registration period has closed.

“Alhamdulillah, we have received 4 files from the candidates for General Chair,” said Alofi.

The Chief Executive of the VI Congress, Satria Chaniago said the congress would be held in a hybrid manner by implementing strict health protocols. Participants are required to have an antigen test before attending the event.

“In order to ensure that there is no exposure to covid-19, we will make swabs mandatory for all participants and the committee,” explained Satria.

Satria said BM PAN will carry out a tough task. One of them will be the backbone of PAN’s victory in the 2024 election.

Because of this, BM PAN needs a visionary general chairman who can also bring positive values ​​to millennials.

“The competition to win the sympathy of young people starts from this congress, so the ideas and ideas of candidates for general chairman must be implemented in the current generation,” said Satria.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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