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Party riots in several places: – – The pandemic is not over

In the Eastern police district, there have been many reports of partying and noise during Friday night and Saturday night.

– Those who worked on Friday night were very busy. We received many messages about gatherings of people. Both young, overly young and adults. And the gatherings were often outdoors, says operations manager in the Eastern police district, Terje Marstad, to Dagbladet on Saturday night.

The operations manager believes the party noise is due to the fact that spring is here, the fine weather, the coronary restrictions have been eased in several municipalities.

– We therefore find a reason to remind that the pandemic is not over, Marstad says to Dagbladet.

30 pieces in total

The operations manager says that he has not experienced a similar party night since late summer last year, but points out that winter is not the time for gatherings outdoors.

– This is a call to be careful, and follow the advice of NIPH, he adds.

Marstad says that the police on a couple of occasions on Friday night had to break up gatherings of 20-30 people, and that one of these gatherings was russ who had gathered outdoors.

Minors drunk

The operations manager says that there have also been cases of minors who have been intoxicated.

– We do not think it is fortunate that young girls and boys in the age of 15 are not able to take care of themselves due to alcohol. I had hoped that parents are aware of their responsibilities, have control over where their children are, and are happy to follow a little closer, he encourages.

The operations manager states that at present they have not reported anyone for breach of the corona rules after the party riot.

– We mostly experience that we are the big party brake when we come, and that people go their separate ways, he says to Dagbladet.

38 messages about party noise

Also in the West police district, there have been many reports of party noise and drunk people.

– It is so busy that I do not have the opportunity to go into all the incidents now, said operations manager Frode Kolltveit in the West police district to Bergens Tidende at 01:00 on Saturday night.

Even though the nightclubs closed early, Kolltveit tells the newspaper that people continued the partying.

– It has been hectic here from 23 o’clock, he says to the newspaper.

To TV 2 Kolltveit says that since 10 pm on Friday night, 38 reports of disorderly conduct have been registered, but that no one has been reported.

Eight reviewed after party

In Oslo, on the other hand, eight people were reported for violating the municipality’s corona regulations after a private party in an apartment in Oppsal.

– Eight pieces in the apartment, all of which are reported for violations of the corona regulations in Oslo municipality, the police write on Twitter.

Apart from one party, the operations manager in the Oslo police district, Line Skott, tells Dagbladet that they have had a quiet night.

– It has been very quiet. We have had some assignments with parties, but people have stayed within the law. We only had one party where there was a breach of the infection control rules, says Skott to Dagbladet.

She says that the police moved out to the party in Oppsal after several reporters had reacted to noise from the address.

– When the police arrived at the scene, there were young people, many of them under the age of 18, and a total of eight. They are therefore reported for breaches of infection control, says Skott, and points out that it is only allowed to have visits from two guests in private homes in Oslo.

Dagbladet is following the case.

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