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Party on every corner. The 1990s capture both a film and a TV documentary

The mood of the nineties was accompanied by unprecedented rattling, drunkenness with endless possibilities. The films were bold, the bands and festivals were born on a treadmill, the Rolling Stones played in Prague and people were amazed that there could be private television or newspapers.

The Ninety One project, led by film producer Petr Koza, includes a feature film by director Radim Špaček and screenwriter Lukáš Csicsely, a six-part documentary television series by Jakub Skalický, and a book by music publicist Radek Diestler. The authors now ask the public to send various objects, photographs, audio and video recordings of concerts, magazines and other memorabilia, those interested can write to [email protected].

Petr Koza, the producer and initiator of the whole project, experienced the 1990s as a child and teenager, but the emotional impulses of that time and the discovery of various musical styles remained crucial for him. “I go back through the music of that time in my memories to the time I miss, but I don’t know exactly what was behind it all. And that is actually the key for me to open the big story and the long story, ”said Petr Koza.

“It could be said that this is a fairly recent history, but time flies faster than we think, and since 1990 it has been more than 30 years. It’s one of many reasons to immerse yourself thoroughly in the meantime and preserve that uniqueness for future generations. “

“It should be not only a memory of our youth, but also of the feeling of collective euphoria that dominated the whole society at the time, nothing seemed impossible and optimism was available for free on every corner,” added Špaček.

Kurt Cobain during the filming of Unplugged in 1993

The film will be framed by the story of a tired rocker – 50-year-old Franta and his 20-year-old nephew Petr. “We want to eclectically transform the wild and brisk style referring to the mood of the 1990s into a film, which can have a different effect on everyone. As an analysis, a monument, a fairy tale, a monument, science fiction or a memento, ”he added.

Jakub Skalický’s six-part documentary television series, the basic foundation of which will also include Radek Diestler’s ant work on the preparation of a book on the Czech and Slovak music scene of the 1990s, which should be published next year by the 65th Field publishing house, angles.

He will deal with clubs and festivals, radio and television programs, magazines and fanzines. It maps the activities of agencies and promoters, recalls the concerts of foreign stars in our country and the first experiences of Czech bands abroad. It will discuss mainstream and extreme genres and bring insights into the gramophone market and strong and obscure stories on the topic of “how music was sold”. He will not forget the visual aspects of the dynamic time of the time, clips, posters or typical elements in clothing.

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