Juan Pablo Fioribello, the Advocate for the first lady and four of her guests, communicated to the justice of San Isidro his resignation to the representation of another of the assistants, Sofia Pacchi.

As explained by the lawyer in his communication, the abandonment of this technical defense is due to the fact that Pacchi was reluctant to help with the documentation and responses required to organize court filings.

“We come to resign in the present case as private defenders of Mrs. Severina Sofía Elizabeth Pacchi, due to the existence of serious differences and lack of collaboration regarding the procedural strategy chosen by the defense,” the text communicates.

Fioribello was the lawyer chosen by Alberto Fernández to represent his partner and coordinate the legal strategy of the guests to the celebration, all accused of having violated the DNU of the quarantine that the same host of the celebration had signed four months before.

Although began defending eight of the eleven present at the birthday, starting with the honoree herself -only the hairdresser Fernando Abraham and the stylist Carolina Marafioti-, just 24 hours after those presentations, the lawyer surprised with a swerve: Stefanía Domínguez, Fabiola’s friend from Chubut, would no longer represent to whom an investigation commissioned by the government attributes to have offered the images of the birthday to the media. Ten days later, on August 25, Fioribello had also given up defending the sisters Rocío and Florencia Fernández Peruilh, for “serious divergences in the defensive strategy.”