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Party and Prey, un original graphic novel de Steve Orlando à venir chez Aftershock

In an indie comic book industry that is struggling to exist on the shelves of comicshops in the form of single issues, faults in the practices of the Big Two mainly, but also because the album (or “original graphic novel“) makes it possible to overcome the narrative constraints of the monthly format, Aftershock Comics and others are increasing the number of publications in this way. For next fall, the house will offer a new original graphic novel, attesting to the format’s growing popularity among publishers and their creative teams.

Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night

The author Steve Orlando, already well installed in the house Aftershock Comics with Dead Kings or the very nice Project Patron, will be in charge of the story Party & Prey with his friend and collaborator Steve Fox (the two friends have already written a graphic novel young adult for Aftershock). The book will be illustrated by Alex Sanchez (The Evil Within, Pandemic), with colors of Juancho! and a lettering of Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Shanghai Red).

Steve Orlando described Party & Prey like a “thriller queer“; being indeed an LGBT + author, Orlando has taken to heart very regularly in his career (and this, from his beginnings at DC Comics with Midnighter) to evoke the themes related to his community in his comics. Here, it will be a question of talking about romantic encounters in the gay male environment, and especially predation and toxic behavior within the community. The title follows an older gay man who meets a much younger man in the club and takes him to his place … Except, of course, things aren’t going to turn out the way he thought they would. Orlando and Fox both evoke the desire to talk about certain things that are still taboo in circles queer, while offering a dark and chilling story, which is still relatively little in the end. A cover and first interior boards accompany the announcement, to be found below.

Party & Prey will be available on October 6, 2021 for $ 17.99 (for a total of 112 pages).


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