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Parts of the body that give out the true age of the stars – Rambler / female

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No matter how the stars try to correct their appearance, mask wrinkles and smooth their skin, no matter how much time they spend going to the gym and anti-aging massages, some parts of the body can tell the real age of any actress.


Despite the fact that modern plastic surgery has come so far, most celebrities still cannot boast of perfect legs. As we age, collagen over the surface of the skin is destroyed, which leads to sagging.

In addition, in the knee area there are additional areas of the skin that allow us to bend the legs. Therefore, it is on the knees that the signs of aging become more noticeable than on other parts of the body. As soon as the stars wear mini-skirts or short dresses, their knees will instantly give out age.


Even if your face looks fresh and young, like a 20-year-old girl’s hands can give your age. The fact is that the hands contain little subcutaneous fat and are constantly exposed to sunlight, hot and cold temperatures, chemicals and water. After 40 years, veins begin to appear on the hands more, since the amount of collagen that the skin produces is significantly reduced. Plus, at this age, the appearance of age spots and freckles is noticeable.


One of the most moving parts of the body is also the area that is subject to age-related changes. A major role in the issue of the neck is played by posture. Stooping only adds unwanted folds, so you should always pay attention to the position of the shoulders and head. As a rule, deep wrinkles in the form of rings appear on the neck. Beauticians call them Venus rings. The appearance of such wrinkles is associated with loss of tone of the neck muscles and dehydration of the body.

Dark circles under the eyes

Eyes are a true mirror of our age. This is because it is around the eyes that the skin is the most delicate and sensitive, so wrinkles, crow’s feet, bags and other delights appear on it faster. Moreover, this area of ​​the face suffers from the appearance of dark circles, which can also be an indicator of age.

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