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Partitions, doors and windows. Here are all the irregularities that can be remedied

ROME – Except the wall of a two-room apartment which became eight meters longer than the measurement reported in the project. And save too the window of a larger home, up to 300 square meters, which widened by one metre when we moved from the papers to the works. The building pardon is useful: they will not be considered violations, but legitimate corrections. Validated by the “Salvini decree” which takes shape in the document developed at the MIT. But the scope of “building peace” is much broader.

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It also appears in the text the replacement of the principle of silence-rejection with that of silent consent for the permit to build in amnesty. The terms are extended from 60 to 120 days, but what changes is the nature of the silence, which “facilitates” the authorizations.

Construction tolerances

Internal and external walls, doors, windows, but also the design errors corrected during the works. These are some examples of the cases that will fall under the so-called regulation on construction tolerances. Up to a percentage that varies dal 2% all’8%inversely proportional to the size of the home (2% above 500 square meters and 8% within 100), everything that exceeds, compared to the housing title, in terms of height, gaps, cubic volume, surface area and “every other building parameter” will not be considered an abuse.

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The three levels of irregularity

The first category of interventions that will be remedied concerns formal differences. They are those “linked to the interpretative uncertainties of the current legislation with respect to the demonstration of the legitimate status of the property”. An example: the differences between what is reported in the construction project and the actual state of the property at the end of the works.

They will also be “forgiven”. “internal” building differences: they concern a single home that has undergone “interventions often stratified over time” without formal authorization or notification. Today it is actually difficult to prove the legitimate status of the same property. In this case we are talking about an open door where before there was only a walla moved partition.

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Finally there are the discrepancies that could be remedied when the intervention was carried outbut not today due to the so-called discipline of “double compliant” which requires compliance with the building regulations in force both at the time of carrying out the intervention and when requesting the housing permit.

The legitimate state

The options to ascertain are increasing the legitimate status of the property. It can also be proven with a building permit in amnesty or with the payment of the sanctions foreseen for the regularization of the building renovation “in the absence or in total non-compliance with the building permit”.

The seismic zones

Construction tolerances will also be possible for properties located in seismic areas or subject to environmental, landscape and historical-cultural protection. The exemptions will be granted “on condition that the consent documents from the competent authority are obtained”.


#Partitions #doors #windows #irregularities #remedied
– 2024-04-07 18:42:41

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