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Particulate matter ranking: How bad is the air quality in your city?

from Kilian Marx am 18.06.2021

The difference between gasoline and diesel

The European Environment Agency has published an analysis of the air quality in European cities in 2019 and 2020 and has compiled a ranking of the cities. How well did the German cities do and who is the overall winner? In the video we explain the difference between diesel and gasoline.

Overall are in the most interesting and interactive Statistics 323 cities ranked according to their ranking. In the first place you will look in vain for a German city – Scandinavian countries in particular do well here. The front runner is the Swedish city of Umeå, where around 120,000 people live. The Finnish Tampere and the capital of the Portuguese island Madeira – Funchal follow in second and third place. The first German representative is Göttingen in 29th place. The city of Lower Saxony has a value of 7.3 micrometers per cubic meter and thus about twice the pollution of the winning city, which comes to a measured value of 3.7 µm / m³.

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There are 3 other German cities in the top 50. Freiburg im Breisgau and Darmstadt occupy 45th and 46th place respectively with a score of 8.3; Lübeck follows in 50th place with 8.4 µm / m³. Also at the forefront and still among the top 100 in alphabetical order are Erfurt, Hanover, Kempten, Leipzig, Marburg, Mönchengladbach, Osnabrück, Pforzheim, Weimar, Wiesbaden and Würzburg.

The capital city of Berlin is at the bottom of the league in Germany, with a value of 13.1 µm / m³ in 219th place. In Frankfurt am Main, the value of 10.0 was measured (128th place). Dortmund is slightly higher with 10.7 (164th place), while Hamburg was able to undercut the Main metropolis by 0.1 and is therefore in 125th place. No data are available for Cologne, while Munich has a value of 9.5 and the Bavarian capital, with 103rd place, compares well with the other megacities.

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Compared to other cities in Europe, German cities often do better, especially if you look to the south or east. A particularly large number of Italian and Polish cities can be found at the end of the list. The highest air pollution prevails in Nowy Satz. In the Polish city with 82,000 inhabitants, a value of 27.3 µm / m³ was measured – more than twice as much as in Berlin! Further bottom lights: the Italian Cremona with 25.9 and Slavonski Brod in Croatia with a value of 25.7. The region around Milan (northern Italy) as well as the Catalan capital Barcelona and cities in Romania and Bulgaria are also doing miserably.

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