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Participation and Engagement (I) – Jornal OPaís

In this analytical exercise we intend to analyze Angola’s relationship with the African Union at a time when the country is preparing to formalize its candidacy for the rotating presidency of this organization in 2025.

We will publish in this space a series of analyzes that will allow us to understand the state of the relationship between these two important players on the African continent.

In this particular publication we analyze Angola’s level of participation and engagement in the African Union, seeking to answer questions such as: What is Angola’s level of participation and engagement in the activities and bodies of the African Union?

Does Angola play an active role in AU summits, commissions and other bodies? These questions are important to understand the degree of influence and political relevance of Angola in the organization.

Angola is one of the founding members of the African Union (AU), the organization that aims to promote integration, peace, security, development and human rights in Africa.

Since its independence in 1975, Angola has actively participated in the various initiatives and bodies of the OAU/AU, especially in the Peace and Security Council (CPS), which is the main mechanism for preventing, managing and resolving conflicts on the continent.

Angola has played an important role in mediation and preventive diplomacy in various situations of crisis and instability in Africa, such as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, South Sudan, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, the Great Lakes Region and in the Gulf of Guinea.

Angola has also contributed financial resources to AU and UN peace and security operations.

Our leader, President João Lourenço, has tirelessly defended respect for constitutionalism and democratic principles in Africa, condemning coups d’état and unconstitutional changes of government.

Angola has also supported the AU’s efforts to combat threats such as terrorism, drug and arms trafficking, maritime piracy and other forms of threats that endanger the peace and security of our continent.

The Angolan Government has sought to strengthen its cooperation and engagement with the AU in various areas such as economic and social development, regional integration, culture, education, science and technology, agriculture, energy, trade, human rights, gender equality, and youth participation.

The Angolan State has ratified several AU legal and political instruments, such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the Maputo Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, Agenda 2063 and the African Free Trade Agreement.

The country has thus demonstrated commitment and effective leadership in promoting the values ​​and objectives of the AU, contributing to the construction of a more united, peaceful, prosperous and solidary Africa.

An example of this is the fact that President João Lourenço was designated “Champion for Peace and Reconciliation in Africa”, at the 16th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the AU, held on 28 May 2022, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

One cannot fail to note some important aspects from President João Lourenço:

(1) It has drawn lines for the success of peace and reconciliation on the continent, based on trust and unity in the diversity of the peoples of Africa, dialogue, respect for the sovereignty of States and the protection and promotion of human rights;

(2) President João Lourenço has warned about the problems of insecurity and instability that the continent faces and which have a direct impact on the deterioration of the African macro-social fabric, worsening the scourge of hunger, poverty and disease;

(3) It has called for solidarity and cooperation between African countries and international partners; (4) and not least, President João Lourenço has supported and privileged multilateral platforms, from the UN, AU, SADC, CEEAC, CPLP and other organizations to promote actions aimed at restoring regional peace, sovereign order and constitutional and effective stability of African States, expressing their willingness to collaborate with their counterparts in the management and resolution of conflicts, as well as in preventing and combating threats, to the peace and security of the continent.

January 31st is the Day of Peace and Reconciliation in Africa, a date that marks the recognition of the role and involvement of President João Lourenço, and therefore of Angola and Angolans, in promoting peace and reconciliation in Africa.

This date is also an opportunity to take stock of the progress and challenges facing the AU and particularly its Member States in pursuing and achieving the objectives expressed in Agenda 2063.

Angola has been a strategic partner and its regional leadership has been increasingly asserted within the African Union, by contributing to the strengthening of African unity and solidarity, by demonstrating that peace and reconciliation are essential conditions for development and well-being. -being of the people of Africa, by also showing that cooperation and engagement with the African Union are fundamental for the integration, stability and democratic resilience of States and for human rights.

Thus, our country has honored its past of fighting for national liberation and its present of building a nation and a stable, democratic and prosperous continent.

In our opinion, these constitute enough elements to demonstrate that Angola’s participation in the African Union is effectively mature and its engagement is solid.

By: Julião Lomenha

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