Where is cinema heading in Spain?
What are the main challenges and opportunities you face?
To try to answer these questions, «Axle jumps«, An online meeting of different professionals of the film industry that from February 1 to 5 will reflect, among other topics, on digitization, the film-brand championed by the large American production companies, the rise of different formats such as series, animation, documentary or short films, concern for sustainability or representativeness or the different audiovisual training processes.
An event organized by FIBICC (Fundación Iberoamericana de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas), which intends for the film industry to put itself in front of the mirror and dialogue with itself to rethink its rules and review its dogmas.
An event in which they will intervene more than 30 references in the audiovisual sector in 7 round tables, 3 workshops and 2 conferences (you can check the schedule here) whose general admission (which gives access to 5 days) is € 12 although there is also the option to buy tickets for € 10 for single days.
Although if money is a problem, you can write directly to the organization explaining your case through this form and they will evaluate your case individually.