It all seemed so beautiful, Veerle thought she had found the man of her life in Thibaut. He had the same interests, had a t-shirt made with “Thibaut is looking for Veerle” and brought her breakfast in bed. The two were madly in love and were going to live together. But then Thibaut got cold feet and dumped his girlfriend by phone. Suddenly he called me up. To say he no longer felt good about it. That he just missed that last bit of love to take the step. I could hardly believe it ”, Veerle told Het Nieuwsblad earlier.
But now it appears that, in addition to Veerle, a fan of the program did not thank him for his action. He has been attacked, Thibaut tells Dag Allemaal. It happened while working as a security guard, but the attacker was referring to “his cowardly act” on the television program. Thibaut is also threatened by mail and e-mail; he has already received more than 300 hate messages.
According to Thibaut, he and Veerle treat each other with respect and the farmer says she is there for him. “So much so, I support him where I can.”
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