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Partial activity, teleworking, state of health of companies … The CFDT-Rubber takes stock in Montluçon (Allier)

Take the right turn in this period of health and economic crisis … This was the objective of the regional branch committee (CTB) organized this Thursday, March 25 by the CFDT, in its premises in Montluçon (Allier), for companies in the rubber sector in Auvergne and Limousin. Union representatives from Goodyear-Dunlop, Michelin and Trelleborg were gathered to discuss several subjects.

Partial activity

There was thus much discussion of organization and remuneration methods long-term partial activity within these companies. The objective of the CTB being to agree on the strategy to be adopted in order to then influence the negotiations with the various departments. Thus, if the CFDT recognizes that the forthcoming agreements on the partial activity “will make it possible to preserve jobs She sees another option:

“The fact of offering employees training rather than partial unemployment would guarantee their remuneration while increasing their skills. “

Marc Argaud (CFDT representative of Goodyear-Dunlop in Montluçon)Here the territorial committee of the rubber branch of the CFDT, meeting this Thursday, March 25 in Montluçon.

Teleworking and the state of health of companies

Regarding teleworking, the trade unionist warns: ” We remain vigilant on the conditions of its implementation, because we realized that the distance and the lack of social relations weigh on the morale of some employees ».

He then took advantage of this meeting to discuss the general state of shape of this rubber branch in the region. “It depends on the products, it makes the yo-yo”, he notes. “For example, passenger and heavy vehicle tires are falling or stagnating. While all that is medical material – rubber hoses for infusions or syringe systems – works very hard ”.

Michelin: sales and results down sharply in 2020

Update at Goodyear-Dunlop (Montluçon)

Regarding the Goodyear-Dunlop factory in Montluçon, what “works very well” at present is the manufacture of motorcycle tires :

Currently we are almost at the maximum production capacity, with almost 600,000 motorcycle tires produced per year. It is believed to be linked to the health situation. People are tired of being locked up suddenly the motorbike reflects this desire for freedom and sales soar.

Marc Argaud (CFDT Goodyear-Dunlop)

The union representative judges as well as a third of some 560 employees of the Montluçonnaise company are currently assigned to these motorcycle tires. “But it stays a seasonal activity, so we prefer to anticipate and tackle the issue of partial activity now ”. Hoping not to have recourse to it …

Finally, it should be noted that the CDFT is in favor of the establishment, when possible and on a voluntary basis, of a ” vaccination anti-covid within the plant itself ”. As is already the case every year with the flu.

Uncertainties about the future of light truck tire production at the Goodyear-Dunlop plant in Montluçon

Text: Luc Barre
Photos: Cécile Champagnat and Florian Salesse archives

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