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Part of the German elite army unit lifted for right-wing extremist incidents

The German Ministry has disbanded one of the four commando units of the German army after a series of incidents in the far-right sphere. That is what German media write on Tuesday. It concerns the so-called Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK), an elite corps. International exercises of the entire KSK will be immediately canceled.

The disbanded commando unit consisted of about seventy soldiers. The other three units are being reorganized. It is not unexpected that action is taken with the commands. The special unit has made headlines several times in recent years. For example, three years ago it was revealed that a number of commandos had given Hitler salutes at parties, which is a criminal offense in Germany. Military personnel also listened to neo-Nazi rock music.

In May, a KSK soldier was arrested for revealing an arsenal of weapons and explosives, along with Nazi-related objects. He is said to have been preparing an attack.

More supervision

Nine members were punished last March for expressing their views on Nazi ideologies. There is currently an investigation by the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) into twenty cases of extremism within the units, the newspaper reports. The world. The incidents give cause for concern to the army command and the Ministry of Defense. German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) wants to radically reform the unit. This requires more supervision of the training.

The KSK are among the best trained elite troops in the world. The commandos are trained for dangerous operations abroad and specialize, among other things, in freeing hostages. Due to reticence in German politics, they are rarely used for such jobs.

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