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Parrot Fever Outbreak in Europe: Five Deaths Reported from Bacterial Infection

A Bacterial Infection Known as Parrot Fever has killed Five People in Europe, Reveals WHO

A bacterial infection known as parrot fever has killed five people in Europe, according to an announcement from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Caused by Bacteria from Birds

The illness, caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia psittaci (C. psittaci), originates from birds, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Human infections occur mainly through contact with secretions from infected birds, with the highest risk among people who work with pet birds, poultry workers, veterinarians, pet bird owners, and gardeners in areas where C. psittaci is prevalent in the bird population.

Outbreaks and Investigations in Several European Countries

Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and The Netherlands have reported an increase in parrot fever cases from late 2023 into 2024. Investigations into exposures and analysis of samples from wild birds are being conducted to determine the source of the outbreak.

Low Risk of Human Outbreak

Experts believe the risk of a large human outbreak is low, as the bacterial infection is not easily transferred from human to human. Most cases are associated with exposure to infected birds, and while human-to-human transmission is rare, localized outbreaks have occurred among populations exposed to pet or wild birds.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

People infected with parrot fever typically experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, diarrhea, cough, muscle pain, and fatigue. If left untreated, the infection can progress to pneumonia. Diagnosis of parrot fever involves collecting samples such as phlegm, blood, or nose and throat cultures. Antibiotics can effectively treat the disease and alleviate symptoms. Most people recover fully with treatment, but in rare cases, complications such as pneumonia, inflammation of the heart valves, hepatitis, and neurologic problems can occur. Early detection and treatment are crucial in preventing severe complications.

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