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Parliamentary Inquiry into Corona Approach Put on Hold: Uncertain Future

The House of Representatives is temporarily pulling the plug on the parliamentary inquiry into the corona approach. After criticism of the approach and the workload, the research is put on hold. A new report from the OVV is awaited first. Whether there will ever be a parliamentary inquiry – including hearings of Rutte and De Jonge – about the crisis approach is therefore uncertain.

Chamber President Vera Bergkamp announced the postponement in a letter to parliament on Tuesday afternoon. The run-up to the corona survey is extremely difficult. After the preparatory investigation by the temporary committee, many parties now refuse to delegate a member of the House of Representatives for the permanent investigation work. That investigation will take three years, in the meantime there are still parliamentary elections.

Distribute workload better

The parties do not want to participate because of the workload and the ongoing investigation of the OVV, but there is also criticism of the investigation design and the approach of the preparatory committee in the corridors. This includes the term ‘wappie club’, referring to the corona-critical MPs of Forum and BVNL.

Today, Professor Bert van den Braak, among others, suggested that the corona research should be taken up later, so that the current survey into the fraud policy can first be properly conducted and the workload can be better spread. In addition, politicians will have a better overview when the latest OVV report is also ready.

Uncertain if research ever comes

An inventory among the political groups shows that there are currently far too few parties willing to delegate a parliamentarian, making the goal of a ‘broadly composed committee’ unattainable. Only PVV, Forum for Democracy, Den Haan Group and Group van Haga want to immediately send someone for the mega job.

A large part of the House of Representatives – VVD, D66, CDA and GroenLinks – prefers to await the announced third and final part of the investigation by the Dutch Safety Board (OVV) first. That is expected later this year. Whether it will ever come to the parliamentary inquiry is therefore extremely uncertain.

‘After dealing with the OVV report, these groups expect to be able to better understand what this means for the content of the survey, the timeline of the survey and the availability of members,’ Bergkamp writes in her letter on Tuesday. ‘That is why we intend to take stock of the willingness again after dealing with the third research report from the OVV’.

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2023-06-27 15:55:08
#House #Representatives #ceases #corona #survey #PVV #Forum #Van #Haga #participate

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