Home » Business » Parliamentarians in Bolivia do not believe Evo Morales’ complaint – eju.tv

Parliamentarians in Bolivia do not believe Evo Morales’ complaint – eju.tv

They ask the Government to prevent the escape of Evo Morales so that it responds to the allegations of sexual abuse against him.

The truck in which Morales was traveling was hit by gunshots, according to the complaint. / Photo: Radio Kawsachun Coca

eju.tv /Juan Carlos Véliz / La Paz

Parliamentarians and union leaders in Bolivia reduced the credibility of former President Evo Morales’ complaint about an alleged attack against him and asked the Government to prevent the former president’s escape so that it responds to the allegations of sexual abuse against him.

“The confessed criminal Evo Morales fabricates a self-attack to encapsulate the Chapare and thus gain time for a possible escape abroad, and evade his responsibility for his crimes against minors. “Let the international community not be complicit because only a handful of countries are willing to receive the pedophile,” deputy José Carlos Gutiérrez (We Believe) wrote on his social networks.

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According to the parliamentarian, the former president with this action also seeks to justify the violence of his followers who blocked the roads mainly in the department of Cochabamba for 14 days.

Morales reported this morning that he suffered an attempt on his life after the truck in which he was traveling received at least 14 gunshots, some of which hit the front windshield and also the rear.

The former president was unharmed while his driver suffered a head injury, but he still continued driving the vehicle, according to a video recorded inside the van.

After Morales’ complaint, his former minister Juan Ramón Quintana announced that they will seek to remove the former president from the country because he would not have security and asked for greater protection of his loyalists.

“After they tried to kill the comrade, the comrades from the tropics have to protect him, 500, a thousand, they must surround the comrade, until missions from the international community come and can take the president to a safe place, because Bolivia is no longer a place “sure,” said Quintana.

“The alleged attack on Evo Morales fills me with doubts,” said the Citizen Community (CC) deputy, Luisa Nayar. “Can someone wounded by a bullet in the head, stomach and arm continue driving at full speed? Could such a sloppy and botched operation have been carried out?” he questioned.

“What happened this morning seems more like a terrible parody of ‘Fast and Furious’ to me. Another farce like the ‘false coup’ last June. Masistas are capable of anything” he concluded.

“Is anyone going to believe a serial pedophile? This is a self-attack to victimize oneself and use it as an excuse to escape the country, we all know that Evo Morales is a specialist in setting up cases, he did it with the Las Américas hotel, with the coup hoax and now with his self-attack, denounced deputy Beto Astorga .

You can also read: Vice Minister Ríos announces investigation and does not rule out a “possible self-attack” after Evo said that they shot at his vehicle

“Evo Morales puts on a show almost as bad as Zuñiga’s, then Quintana comes out to say that they plan to take Evo Morales out of the country, since his life is in danger. That is the purpose when the drug rapist has to face justice, he runs away, but he could not flee as always, confirming his cowardice, he needed a ‘reason’, now the reason is that his life would be at risk… scriptural coward! They are all the same, liars, fraudulent and COWARDS! @LuchoXBolivia @evoespueblo”, Deputy Jairo Guiteras posted.

The union leader of El Alto, Rodolfo Mancilla, stated that “unpunished politicians are beginning to send theater videos, as it is Halloween there is fictitious blood.”

He regretted that Morales does not face justice when he faces allegations of sexual abuse and uses his associates to protect himself and remains in impunity.

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