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Parliament: Why the cost of the corona session has doubled – Switzerland

At the entrance to the main Bernexpo building, a large photo projected on a screen recalls the true setting of the parliament, its inimitable Palace located on Federal Square. On Monday, the Chambers will meet a few kilometers away, in the exhibition halls of the Bernese suburbs, for a week-long session devoted exclusively to the coronavirus.

Gray walls, white tables and black chairs separated by the regulatory 2 meters, artificial lighting: we are far from the usual chandelier. On the stands reserved for presidents and speakers, several desks are enthroned. We will share them less and they will be disinfected between each speech, slowing down the pace of the debates.

The Council of States will move upstairs. An anteroom has been planned. Privilege of senators? “They are still less than us,” smiles Isabelle Moret (PLR / VD), the president of the National Council (200 elected against 46 in the Chamber of Cantons).

1.5 to more than 3 million

Sobriety is required. And yet the budget has evolved upwards. During the first media visit on April 14, the costs of this extramural session were estimated at 1.5 million francs. From now on, the administrative delegation of the parliament estimates them at 3.125 million francs. The most important items: security will cost 430,000 francs and infrastructure – including hall rental – 2.12 million.

“We did not calculate a” corona price “, neither up nor down. These are the market prices ”, assures the director of Bernexpo, Jennifer Somm. It specifies that the rental of the buildings as such amounts to less than 1 million francs. But there are also significant costs for technical infrastructure and personnel. How to explain that the budget planned for mid-April has doubled? Isabelle Moret mentions “more session days, more committee sessions and the level of security installations”.

The bill dictated by the coronavirus will further increase for the federal parliament. Because the summer session, which will start on June 2, will also have to be relocated. The location decision will be made this Friday. The preparatory sessions of the commissions will take place at Bernexpo. Four rooms were rented for a total amount of 7,500 francs per day.

The President of the Council of States, Hans Stöckli (PS / BE), said on Tuesday he was surprised at the price of this extraordinary session. While adding: “Democracy should not be evaluated at a cost.” Isabelle Moret also recalls that the parliament was forced to move to exercise its duties: “For the first time in its history, the federal parliament is forced to come out of its walls. In Flims (editor’s note: the Graubünden municipality where the assembly had sat in 2006), he did so of his own free will, with joy. Here the emotions are different. But there is also a lot of hope. In this session, we are going to talk about how to get out of the health crisis, how to avoid a second wave and revive Switzerland. “

And the full powers conferred by the extraordinary situation on the Federal Council have a limited duration, adds Hans Stöckli: “In six months, all urgent orders will fall. They must therefore be replaced by ordinary laws. ” The parliament also plans to print its own impulses to end the crisis next week. Among the subjects under discussion are notably an extension of the duration of bridge loans or financial aid for childcare establishments.

Vaudoise Isabelle Moret also hopes that the session will allow elected officials from different linguistic regions to express their concerns. “The German Swiss do not see things the same way as we do on many points in this crisis. In the context of this national debate, it is important that they realize what is the situation in French-speaking Switzerland and in Ticino and also that the German-speaking media report it. “

Mask not compulsory

Attendance at Bernexpo remains subject to an unknown factor: will vulnerable elected representatives sit in Bern? “Zero risk does not exist, including coming here. But we have taken all the necessary measures. We will also take as few breaks as possible to prevent the natural from getting the upper hand, ”underlines Isabelle Moret. The wearing of the mask – Magdalena Martullo-Blocher (UDC / GR) had been invited to withdraw her during the last session – this time will be left to the free discretion of each.

Created: 04/28.2020, 10:08 p.m.

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