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PARIS: The House of Pulmonology was inaugurated

Inaugurated on October 18, the new Maison de la Pneumologie is located near the Jardin du Luxembourg, in Paris. The Côte-d’Or departmental committee for respiratory diseases is one of the partners.

It is at 68 Boulevard Saint-Michel that the house of pneumology was inaugurated on Monday, October 18. The inauguration took place in the presence of Professor Chantal Raherison (President of the SPLF) and Professor Boris Melloni (President of the ANTADIR federation). This place is there to bring together all the players involved in the fight against respiratory diseases, from training to clinical research. Note the fact that the Côte-d’Or departmental committee for respiratory diseases is an associative partner.

“This place is the meeting of associations of pulmonologist whatever their modality of exercise but also associations of patients, associations of prevention, the departmental committee of fight against the respiratory diseases of Côte-d’Or, etc … are the actors of respiratory health in the broad sense. It was important for us to be together. With the Covid, it was complicated for everyone. This place is very important because it provides us with meeting rooms in the heart of Paris, in a pleasant and easily accessible area. The fact that we are all in the same place makes it possible to generate projects, studies and clinical research. ”

“To dry up to work during the first wave we have to work by bringing oxygen devices at high concentration. It was a very important action. “

“66 boulevard Saint-Michel belonged to the Fondation du souffle and it decided to sell its premises. When she made the decision to sell her premises, we were a tenant at 66, so we set up a project so that we would all be together, relocate to 68. ”

“These new premises are 550 m2 with 3 meeting rooms and numerous offices. This is very important because after this pandemic people are happy to be together and to be able to work on projects physically.
Here we can also work on world days (World Asthma Day, World COPD Day, etc.). “

“We have launched the Estates General on respiratory health. It started in early September. We have created a platform “My respiratory health 2022″ and we will collect all the contributions and the restitution will take place on December 8 under the high patronage of the President of the Republic. The idea is to really tackle all aspects of respiratory health from childhood. All this in order to provide concrete solutions in the image of what is already working at the territorial level. ”

“Respiratory disability is very poorly recognized. Someone who is very embarrassed, who can not make an effort is very poorly recognized, even in the scales of support unlike someone who has a motor or neurological deficit. The respiratory handicap must be recognized at its true value.
When you are examined while you are at rest and you are made to breathe, you are always good, but when you exert yourself it is quite the opposite. ”

“There is a real environmental dimension to respiratory health. We now know that almost all respiratory illnesses are environmental illnesses. Today we know which environmental factors will generate asthma, COPD … Not to mention the after-effects of COVID. All of this will generate care and we need to be able to reflect a little better on the care pathway for these patients.
We do not just make the observation may
The environment is exposure to atmospheric pollution, chemicals, infectious agents … We now know that if we do more prevention, we will then have a better chance of reducing the respiratory risk of our patients. fellow citizens. We have already had several contacts with deputies who seem interested in our approach. We therefore hope that we can impose one or two points in the presidential debate. ”

“Prevention is the only way to reduce health costs. It is difficult because for them it is on the scale of a mandate but it would be necessary to make plans over 10/20 years. ”

“To reduce health expenditure in the context of sleep apnea, it is a fight against junk food, lack of physical activity, risk factors … It is therefore very complicated to regulate all these problems. ”

“We now know that 1/3 of pregnant women are in an environmentally precarious situation. We already know in utero that babies who are going to be born are not going to leave on an equal footing with others. Then there is when we grow up (which corresponds from birth to the age of 20) where all environmental exposures will have an impact on respiratory health.
We are one of the few countries where breath is not measured until people are ill as adults. We only do spirometry here when people are at an advanced age. There are other countries where breath measurement begins in adolescence to screen for those with slower respiratory growth. We must therefore be more in the anticipation if we want to improve the diagnosis of respiratory diseases. “

“When you want to exercise at a high or moderate level, you are asked for a complete check-up and an electrocardiogram. You will never be asked for a breath measurement. It is not obligatory whereas it is also important. Cardiologists have surely been further ahead than us. The heart works well only if the lungs are working well and vice versa. ”

“We know very well that it is not just the fact of being exposed in a very strong way to an agent (of course that can generate respiratory disease) but it can very well be a low dose exposure of different environmental exposures for it to generate respiratory disease. This is what we need to make our decision makers understand. “

“We (the SPLF) have launched an ipsos survey on respiratory health and the perception of French people. We were very surprised by the figures and especially in post-COVID. 54% of French people feel poorly informed about the respiratory symptoms that should alert them. It’s huge because it’s more than one in two French people. For example, many consider that a cough is trivial while a cough is very often a warning sign for a respiratory disease. 50% of French people who have severe symptoms (we used daily symptoms as a definition) have never spoken to a doctor before.
This ties in well with our perception of the late diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Many other figures will be revealed during the restitution. ”

Manon Bollery
© Photos Manon Bollery

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