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Paris, Marseille, Le Havre… voters called to vote for the first round, first results overseas

In the 20th arrondissement of Paris: Radhia wants to “change everything”, Gilles wants to “give a majority to Macron”

Why did she vote? It’s simple, “to change everything”. “With Macron, it’s not possible”exclaims Radhia Chérubin, voter in the 15e constituency of Paris, which covers a large part of the 20e borough. She cites problems with the standard of living, the middle class which “almost no longer exists”. Without hesitation, she therefore voted for the candidate of the New Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), Danielle Simonnet (La France insoumise).

“In addition, I know a little Danielle Simonnetshe adds. One day, my son was arrested after a high school blockade, and she was there right away. She stayed until midnight. We need MPs like that. » Marius, a voter from the same district, also has a left heart. A retired teacher, a former trade unionist, he however had more difficulty in choosing, and finally opted for the socialist Lamia El Aaraje. “As she is a dissident, it made me hesitatehe confides. But she was still our MP until the cancellation of the last election. It therefore seems normal to me that she should continue her task. »

In this popular and bobo district, the match is not played only between the two figures of the left. Unlike the previous legislative election, La République en Marche has invested a candidate, Mohamad Gassama, who hopes to appear in the second round. It was for him that Gilles Ecary, a 59-year-old mathematician who works in a consulting firm, voted: “I don’t know him, but he has a good head. And above all, we must give a majority to Emmanuel Macron. » Same logic for Antoine’s parents, who came to the nursery school transformed into a polling station with their 4 and a half year old son. “I am against living togetherexplains the mother, human resources manager in a large company. It’s already complicated to move forward when we agree. So when we’re not…” After having voted for the outgoing president in the first round of the presidential election, she therefore chose, like her husband, to immediately support the candidate of the presidential majority.

Denis Cosnard

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