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Paris limited the top speed to 30 km / h

However, the speed limit does not change on some arteries. On the Paris ring road, the Périphérique, the maximum speed will continue to be 70 kilometers per hour.

According to City Hall, the change is not so radical. She pointed out that even before the entry into force of the “30th Area”, speed was limited to 30 kilometers per hour in 60 percent of the streets of Paris.

“Reducing speed also means reducing the number of serious accidents (between cars and pedestrians),” said Paris Deputy Mayor David Belliard. City Hall wants to take measures to protect more vulnerable groups of road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists.

Paris City Hall says speeding also has environmental benefits. According to her, the noise caused by cars will be reduced by a few decibels. The operation should be smoother. However, BFM TV points out that it is questionable whether the reduction in speed has a positive impact on the emissions sides.

The car associations also point to other steps of the town hall, such as the cancellation of parking spaces or more expensive parking in the city. The city management also wants to definitively transform about 50 kilometers of roads into cycle paths. Representatives of the town hall do not completely reject criticism of motorists’ unions. According to Belliard, it is necessary to reduce the space occupied by cars in the streets of Paris.

The daily Le Parisien pointed out that over 60 percent of the metropolitan population supports speeding. A recent IFOP survey showed this. In the rest of France, however, similar measures have significantly fewer supporters. About 36 percent of respondents were in favor.

The French media also speculate on the extent to which the maximum speed will be controlled and thus observed, there are reportedly relatively few radars in the city.

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