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Paris Hilton tearfully recounts her tragic experience: “I abused in boarding school”

Paris Hilton reported her experience in favor of the bill by US state lawmakers calling for greater government oversight of youth rehabilitation centers. “For all my twenty years I have been haunted by a recurring nightmare: two strangers kidnap me in the middle of the night, strip me to search me, and then lock me up in a building. I’d like to tell you that it was just a bad dream, but it wasn’t like that, “said the actress, singer, model.

The heiress also stated that the college staff beat her, forced her to take unknown pills, watched her shower, and forced her to stay in solitary confinement without clothes as punishment: “I was forced to take pills, they left me stunned for days. They managed to bend my will. My caretaker bragged to her colleagues that she had succeeded. ”

It is not the first time that Paris has told this story. She has already done so in the documentary “This is Paris” launched on the Web in September 2020, in which she detailed the tortures she suffered at the age of 16, when her parents decided that the only way to cure her from youthful excesses it was locking her up in a private rehabilitation facility: Provo Canyon in Utah. A private school specializing in the treatment of difficult adolescents where, in 1997, the girl’s parents paid a bill of 300 thousand dollars to keep her confined during the months of treatment.


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