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Paris Hilton, Celebrity | Paris Hilton says she was abused at boarding school: – There was constant torture

The hotel heir reveals new details from his upcoming documentary.

– This is completely different from everything else I have done, says Paris Hilton (39) in a teaser clip from her new documentary.

«This is Paris» har premiere i september, og Hilton has previously stated that the documentary will cover events from childhood and adolescence she has never before spoken loudly about.

Among other things, she has hinted that she as a teenager, it was very tough when she went to boarding school in Utah, and in an exclusive interview with People she goes into more detail on the painful experiences that have characterized her life since.

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– Continuous torture

Hilton says that a teenage uprising, in which she often snuck out of the house to go to nightclubs and parties, led her parents to decide to send the 17-year-old to boarding school.

In the months that followed, Hilton visited several boarding schools, before finally ending up at Provo Canyon School in Utah, which focused on mental development in adolescents with behavioral problems. She lived there for a full eleven months.

EXCELLENT: Paris Hilton’s parents sent her to boarding school when she was 17 years old.
Photo: NTB Scanpix

Already the first day, however, she realized that this place was not good for her, she tells People.

– I knew it was going to get worse than anywhere else. It was supposed to be a school, but teaching was not the focus at all. From the moment I got up until I went to bed, there was screaming in my face, yelling and continuous torture.

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Mental and physical abuse

According to Hilton, the staff at the school constantly said ugly things to the students and tried to break it down mentally.

– They mentally abused us, beat us and strangled us. They wanted us to fear them so that we would not oppose them, she says.

Hilton also says that a common punishment was isolation, and that students could be left alone for up to 20 hours.

– I had panic attacks and cried every single day. I felt like a prisoner, crying every day.

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According to Hilton herself, her parents did not know anything about what was going on at the boarding school, as she was punished if she said anything the few times she was allowed to talk to them a month. In 1999, at the age of 18, she finally returned to New York.

Since then, she has kept a close eye on her experiences – until now.

Click on the image to enlarge.  UNKNOWN: Paris Hilton claims she was punished if she tried to tell her parents what happened at school.

UNKNOWN: Paris Hilton claims she was punished if she tried to tell her parents what happened at school. Here with mother Kathy.
Foto: Jason Redmond (AP via NTB Scanpix)

Hard to record

The fact that the recording of the documentary has been tough, does not hide the hotel heir.

In an interview with People From July, Hilton was clear that she does not like to talk about her childhood experiences.

– I am nervous. I am shaking. It’s hard to eat because my stomach twists. I do not know, it is something that is very personal to me and something I do not like to talk about, she said.

Nevertheless, she pointed out that the filming of the documentary has been therapeutic for her, as she has really had to think through the experiences from her teenage and adolescence.

– I think people will see a new side of me when they see this film, a side they have not seen before. Because I honestly did not know who I was until now this year. “I learned a lot about myself by filming this documentary,” Hilton said.

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