Home » today » News » Paris FC-Lyon: after the incidents, the question of responsibility for the ultras – 12/19/2021 at 06:00

Paris FC-Lyon: after the incidents, the question of responsibility for the ultras – 12/19/2021 at 06:00


Paris FC-Lyon: after the incidents, the question of responsibility for the ultras

The violence that broke out this Friday evening at the Charléty stadium in Paris, on the occasion of PFC-OL in the Coupe de France only confirms a general feeling, that of a spiral that never ceases to grab the world grandstands in the eye of the storm. If naturally each scenario turns out to be different and specific, it would take a good dose of blindness not to realize that something is going wrong in the French stands. However, if, as we like to believe, the ultra movement must play a role in it, it can no longer be satisfied with pointing out the errors of others.

Since the resumption of Ligue 1, incidents have continued to multiply. Montpellier-Marseille on August 8; Nice-Marseille on August 22; Lens-Lille on September 18; Angers-Marseille on September 22; Saint-Étienne-Angers on October 22; and OL-OM on November 21. The forms have varied, the targets too (opposing supporters or players on the field) as well as the profile of the perpetrators. The result remains the same, and the image of the supporters deteriorates a little more each time. However, a new threshold has been crossed in Charléty. First of all because the excesses took place within the framework of the Coupe de France, national heritage supposed rather to represent a communion or at least a commemoration of our football, somewhat spared by the rivalries which exasperate the ordinary championships. Then because we could not foresee a particular tension, unlike Lyon-Marseille or a Lens-Lille, around this match.

Finally and above all, nobody was unaware, starting with the hooded people who took part in the castagne, that the crowd that evening was going to be more important because of the arrival of a big team of Ligue 1 rather than by the sacred union of the hordes of fans of the Parisian club. It is so true that even Jean-Michel Aulas tries above all to blame the start of the scuffles on PSG supporters who came to provoke the parking of Gones. Still, all the testimonies agree for the moment: “quidams” who had not asked for anything found themselves in the middle of the fights and suffered the outburst of a fringe of Lyonnais. The next step, if we follow this fatal slope, will inevitably lead to a human tragedy. There is probably no need to recall certain episodes from the past, especially on the Parc des Princes side, and their consequences.

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